“Preservation of historical and cultural heritage. Science and Practice”. VII International Scientific and Practical Conference


Annotation / Аннотация
The article acquaints the readers with reports of the conference “Preservations of historical and cultural heritage. Science and practice. Kiev, 22-24 September, 2009”, which were published in Conference book. The author of this review emphasizes the problems, what can be interesting for conservators and curators Russian archives.
Статья о научных результатах и практических рекомендациях конференции «Сохранение историко-культурного наследия. Наука и практика», состоявшейся в Киеве, 22-24 сентября 2009 г. в Национальным научно-исследовательским реставрационным центром Украины (ННИРЦУ). Автор обзора выделяет в нем те проблемы, которые могут быть интересны для консерваторов и хранителей архивов России.

Keywords / Ключевые слова
Restoration, preventive conservation, climate control, biodeterioration. Консервация, реставрація, сохранность, климатконтроль, биоповреждение.

Over 300 delegates from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, Georgia from a museum, library, archival and restoration field of activity have taken part in conference. From the conference program, and accordingly and reports it is possible to allocate four basic themes: buildings of storehouses and their microclimate; the account and the condition control of funds – how and with what system it to do; biological safety of funds – with what and how to provide; experience of practical restoration of monuments.

Buildings of storehouses and their microclimate. To design features of storehouses and their influence on an internal climate have been devoted reports of researchers from Lithuania, Russia and Ukraine. Though cited in reports as an examples of inspection of museum storehouses, results can be interesting for storehouses of documents. Many archival and library buildings are only adapted, not specially constructed for storage of documents, therefore in them all those negative moments as for museum storehouses: humidifying of walls by ground waters, a condensate on the freezing through walls, growth of microorganisms attracting subsequently, jumps of temperature and humidity during the beginning and the ending of heating season.

The account and the condition control of funds – how and on what system to do it? The whole group of reports is devoted to definition of the general condition of safety of objects of storage, particularly to documents. Reports are about the statistical inspections, both concrete storehouse, and all file of storehouses of one region. This statistical information is essential necessary for employees of libraries and archives. It can give their government officials and to achieve from them necessary means for elimination of the found out lacks.

Another problem concerning the general condition of safety of documents is requirements to storage of separate kinds of documents: old printing editions, ancient lithographs, documents on parchment. In reports sounds the reminder to keepers that for each material there are requirements to storage (and how to find a way out if the diverse material is stored in one place).

Biological safety of funds – how to provide? The greatest number of reports at conference has been devoted to the problems connected with biological damages of monuments. Any of museum biocides known for today does not guarantee full destruction of microorganisms harmful to monuments, but thus everyone introduces on Wednesday of storehouse of substance harmful and for monuments, and for people working in storehouses. Rescue is in creating for storehouses the environment favorable for storage of documents and adverse for growth of any biodestructors.

Experience of practical restoration of monuments. In the field of restoration of book monuments and schedules have been devoted experience of scientific restoration, practical operating time four reports from which one is read only. The restorer from NNIRCU has suggested to apply a special polypropylene pellicle in any cases where before restorers already many decades applied or a polyethylene film, or latex one. Advantage of a new material as assured listeners the lecturer the big softness in comparison with polyethylene and a smaller extensibility in comparison with latex is.