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Annotation / Аннотация
The article is about activity of Federal Archival Agency and federal archives (session, meeting, exhibition, meeting, the Russian-German and Russian-Chinese relations). The article is devoted to the session of board of Federal Archival Agency. At the session were questions of perfection of the organization of planning, performance and reception of results NIOKR and a tripartite meeting of heads of archival services and archival establishments of Belarus, Russia and Ukraine in Gomel (Byelorussia) considered.
Информационное сообщение о деятельности Федерального архивного агентства и федеральных архивов: заседания, встречи, выставки, совещания, российско-германские и российско-китайские отношения; о заседании коллегии Федерального архивного агентства, рассмотревшей вопросы совершенствования организации планирования, выполнения и приема результатов НИОКР, выполняемых по заказу Федерального архивного агентства; о трехсторонней встрече руководителей архивных служб и архивных учреждений Белоруссии, России и Украины в г. Гомеле (Республика Беларусь).

Keywords / Ключевые слова
Archive, Presidential Commission of the Russian Federation to Counter Attempts to Falsify History to the Detriment of Russia's Interests, the Interdepartmental Commission on Protection of the State Secret, the list of archival documents, Rules of storage of documents of the Russian Census 2010, the electronic project of "Orbit" of the "Golden eagle", the Russian-German relations, 30th anniversary of Games of the XXII Olympiad, The Russian-Chinese commission on humanitarian cooperation, “The Saxon memorials”. Архив, Комиссия по противодействию попыткам фальсификации истории в ущерб интересам России, Межведомственная комиссия по защите государственной тайны, «Перечень типовых управленческих архивных документов, образующихся в процессе деятельности государственных органов, органов местного самоуправления и организаций, с указанием сроков хранения», Правила хранения переписных листов и иных документов Всероссийской переписи населения 2010 г., электронный проект «Орбиты «Беркута», российско-германские отношения, 30-летие ХХII Олимпийских игр в Москве, Российско-Китайская комиссия по гуманитарному сотрудничеству, «Саксонские мемориалы».

On July, 8-9th, 2010: in Dresden (Germany) in a building Saxon parliament the next session of the Joint commission on studying of contemporary history of the Russian-German relations has taken place. Committee-men have taken part in the international scientific colloquium on a theme «the Soviet-German friendship in GDR – wished and a reality», and also in directory presentation «Jails of German prisoners of war in the USSR, 1941–1956». The directory is prepared on the basis of documents of RGVA. Partners from the German party are the Fund “Saxon memorials”, the German national union on care of military tombs and Service of search of the German Red Cross.

On August, 24th, 2010: in Moscow the seventh session of the Russian-Chinese working group on cooperation in the field of archives of the intergovernmental Russian-Chinese commission on humanitarian cooperation has taken place. The Russian delegation into which representatives of Federal archival agency have entered, the Russian archives, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, the Russian Academy of Sciences, Rosarhivs head A.N. Artizov has headed. As a part of the Chinese delegation to Moscow there have arrived representatives of the State archival management of the Peoples Republic of China, heads of the central historical archives of China, Archive the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Peoples Republic of China. Whether delegation the deputy chief of the State archival management of the Peoples Republic of China headed Minhua.

On August, 25th, 2010 the order of the Ministry of culture of the Russian Federation № 558 confirms «the List of the typical administrative archival documents formed in the course of activity of state structures, local governments and the organizations, with instructions of periods of storage».

On September, 10th, 2010 the Federal archival agency has informed that the governmental order of the Russian Federation from July, 26th, 2010 № 554 confirms storage Rules sheets and other documents of the All-Russia population census of 2010 the list of documents of the All-Russia population census of 2010 is enclosed To Rules with instructions of periods of storage.

On September, 12-17th, 2010 in Oslo (Norway) have taken place session of Executive committee of the International council of archives (MSA), the international conference of a round table of archives (SITRA), and also annual general meeting of members of МSА (General assembly) has been spent.

On September, 28-30th, 2010
in Gomel (Byelorussia) has taken place a tripartite meeting of heads of archival services and archival establishments of Belarus, Russia and Ukraine.

From October, 4 till October, 8th, 2010 delegation as a part of Rosarhivs head A.N. Artizov, the chief of department of office-work and archives of the Government of the Russian Federation of A.D. Rjahovsky, director of RGALI T.M.Gorjaeva and the chief of department Rosarhiv K.G. Chernenkov has visited the Netherlands for the purpose of studying of experience of the state archives and other government agencies of this country with electronic documents, negotiations concerning cooperation with archival, scientific and other establishments of the Netherlands

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