Kozlov Boris Igorevich

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Аннотация / Annotation
Obituary of B.I. Kozlov – noted specialist in the field of history and philosophy of science,principal researcher of the Archive RAS, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation.
Некролог Б.И. Козлова – известного специалиста в области истории и философии науки, главного научного сотрудника Архива РАН, профессора, заслуженного деятеля науки Российской Федерации.

Keywords / Ключевые слова
Archives, Kozlov B.I., Archive RAS, history and philosophy of science, museology, RAGS. Архивы, Козлов Б.И., Архив РАН, история и философия науки, науковедение, музееведение, РАГС.

On August, 8th 2010 Boris Igorevich Kozlov – the known expert in area of history and science philosophy, museology, the main research assistant of Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Doctor of Philosophy, the professor, the honored worker of a science of the Russian Federation has died.

In Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences it had been revealed, investigated and entered into a scientific turn the big file of the historical documents opening an outstanding role of Presidium and Branch of engineering science of Academy of Sciences of the USSR in industrialization of Russia and formation of its industrial potential, provided a victory in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945.

He was the vice-president of interstate association of historians of a science and technics, the chairman of the commission «the Science and technics in the history of culture» Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences about studying and protection of a cultural and natural heritage, the chief executive of Department «the Engineering heritage. Museums of a science and technics» chairs – UNESCO networks, the vice-president of Advisory council of the international and regional projects of the Russian humanitarian scientific fund, a member dissertational and academic councils.

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