“Send Us Some Guns and Grenades ...”: Appeal of Young Ukrainian Nationalists from Siberia to Their Confederates from the OUN–UPA in Ukraine in 1950


Scientific article

УДК 930+172.15:93/94+343.917+94(47)

DOI 10.28995/2073-0101-2021-1-232-247

Sushko A. V., Petin D. I.

Omsk State Technical University, Omsk, Russian Federation

“Send Us Some Guns and Grenades ...”: Appeal of Young Ukrainian Nationalists from Siberia to Their Confederates from the OUN–UPA in Ukraine in 1950


The article is to study the Soviet special services’ attempt to prevent youth extremist organization of Ukrainian nationalists deploying their activities in the Omsk region in early February 1951, as they expressed an obvious readiness wage an anti-Soviet fight using agitation and terror. It is based on the analysis of a completely unknown and previously unintroduced into scientific use historical source, which remains in departmental storage. The source is fully reproduced in the final part of the article. Its facsimile copy and photograph used in the article as an illustration is exhibited in the History Hall of the FSB Directorate of Russia for the Omsk Region. High relevance of the publication is associated with the fact that neither aspects of political existence of the Ukrainian special settlers in Siberia in the late 1940s–50s, nor operational activities of the Soviet special services in this connection have been a subject of research. Among key reasons explaining this gap in historiography are peculiarities of departmental storage of archival documents of the state security agencies and complicated procedure for allowing researchers to get acquainted with them. Due to specifics of the study, the authors used a comprehensive methodological approach based on a combination of source study criticism (external and internal) with anthropological approach, biographical and problem-chronological methods. This theoretical amalgamation has allowed the authors to interpret the revealed document, linking its appearance with concrete historical situation and personalities. The publication may be of interest to researchers of the Ukrainian nationalist and separatist movement, of the political exile in the USSR in period of the Second World War, and of the work of Soviet state security agencies aimed at countering radical (ultra-right) forms of social and political thought.


Ukrainian nationalism, Ukrainian separatism, OUN, UPA, special services, state security bodies, political exile, special settlers, Omsk.

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About the authors

Sushko Aleksey Vladimirovich, PhD in History, professor, Omsk State Technical University, department of history, philosophy, and social communications, professor, Omsk, Russian Federation, +7-962-057-13-27, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Petin Dmitrii Igorevich, PhD in History, Omsk State Technical University, department of history, philosophy, and social communications, assistant professor, Omsk, Russian Federation, +7-950-333-56-81, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Submitted 12.01.2020, published (for citation):

SUSHKO, A. V., PETIN, D. I. “Vyshlite nam neskol'ko pistoletov i granat...”. Obrashchenie molodykh ukrainskikh natsionalistov iz Sibiri k edinomyshlennikam OUN–UPA na Ukraine v 1950 g. [“Send Us Some Guns and Grenades ...”: Appeal of Young Ukrainian Nationalists from Siberia to Their Confederates from the OUN–UPA in Ukraine in 1950-. In Russ.]. IN: Vestnik arhivista / Herald of an Archivist, 2021, no. 1, pp. 232-247. doi 10.28995/2073-0101-2021-1-232-247

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