Scientific heritage of A.V. Florovsky (1884–1968) in the RAS Archive


Lapteva T.N.,

Moscow, Russian Federation

Scientific heritage of A.V. Florovsky (1884–1968) in the RAS Archive


The article deals with the historian A.V. Florovsky's (1884–1968) scientific reserch, the analisys of his autographs that are in custody in the RAS Archive. Many of the scientist's articles and monographs written in emigration are not familiar to the russian scientists. National libraries did not receive any of his works from 1922 to 1945. Nowdays there are a number of his authograps preserved at the scientist's personal fund at the Archive of RAS, that has never been a subject of the scientific research before. The objectivies of the article is the study of the evolutional changes in the scientist's bibliographic and thematic approaches to the study that took place during his life abroad as well as the evaluation of his autographs. In 1920s A.V. Florovsky studied the history of Ancient Russia and Catherine’s Legislative Commission. His research were based on the materials that he brought with him from Russia. He explores specific historical subjects and makes large-scale scientific conclusions. More than half of these studies are published in the foreign journals. Since the second half of the 1920s to the 1940s the focus of Florovsky were political and cultural issues of the Russian-Czech relations. Florovsky's researches were based on extensive archival sources. Least known Florovsky's research about the religious component of the Czech-Russian contacts. Most Florovsky's articles, fragments and drafts on this topic never been published and so their publication is the most important task. In the late 1940s he began to study Russian-Austrian relations. Florovsky retained professional contacts with Soviet scientific institutes and libraries, and that is why he was able to maintain a high scientific level of their research. Several articles have been published in the USSR. Florovsky created several historiographical reviews and articles, written in the genre of historical portrait. All works written in emigration, present in Russia in a small number of copies. Today the Florovsky's works on religious themes is the most important for research and publication in Russia.


A.V. Florovsky, science of the Russian Diaspora, the RAS Archive, scientific heritage, manuscripts of scientific papers.

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About author

Lapteva Tatiana Nikolaevna, RAS Archive, Junior researcher, Russian Federation, Moscow, 8-909-649-69-54, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

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