Studying the Great Patriotic War in Documents from the Personal Provenance Fond of Professor M.M. Zagorulko
| 19 November 2024
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Archival funds and collections
Kotova I.V.,
Volgograd, Russian Federation
Studying the Great Patriotic War in Documents from the Personal Provenance Fond of Professor M.M. Zagorulko
The article analyses documents from the personal provenance fond of economist Maksim Matveevich Zagorulko. Biography of M.M. Zagorulko can be studied in documents from his personal provenance fond, as well as his doctoral thesis “Economical policies of Nazi Germany in the occupied territories of the USSR and their failure” prepared in 1970. The thesis assesses economy of the occupied regions of the Soviet Union; political and economical goals of the German capital in the war against the USSR; pillaging of the occupied territories of the USSR and exploiting their material and labour resources; it describes struggles in enemy rear frustrating Nazi plans for using productive forces of the occupied regions of the USSR. It draws on documents and materials from party, state and military archives, some of which were introduced into scientific use for the first time. In all, the scientist used materials from 20 archives, 2 of them foreign (Deutsches Zentralarchiv in Potsdam and Militararchiv der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik). The personal provenance fond of the scientist includes microfilmed documents of management and record keeping of the German field command, Reich Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Territories, Reich Ministry for Economy, Reichsf?hrer SS and head of German police, records of the Oberkommando der Wehrmacht staff for 1941-1945. There are copies of Nuremberg Trials acts. The conclusion made by the scientist is still pertinent: “The Nazi had well prepared not only their military operations, but their plans for economical development of the USSR as well. Everything was spelled out in detail: commandants functions, tax system, the who, when, how and what… They did study our economy, and yet knew nothing of the Russian soul. That’s why their blitzkrieg failed.”
Fond synopsis, Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, Volgograd, M.M. Zagorulko, personal provenance fond, archival document.
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About authors
Kotova Irina Valerievna, deputy head of the department of archival fond documents usage and research of the State Archive of the Volgograd Oblast, Volgograd, Russian Federation, +7-8442-30-99-10, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it