
Synieokyi O. V. Phonodocument in the Global Communication Space: Evolution, Current State, Directions of Transformations : The special international scientific-abstract issue based thesis material submitted for a Degree of Doctor of Social Communications (Specialty 27.00.02 – Document Studies, Archive Studies). – Zaporizhzhya: Status, 2017. – 173 p. : Illustr., tabl., diagr. (Post Dissertational Edition)


The special international scientific-abstract issue based thesis material submitted for a Degree of Doctor of Social Communications (Specialty 27.00.02 – Document Studies, Archive Studies).

The specialties of the functioning and evolutionary transformations of the phonodocuments throughout the world communication area were identified. The main steps of the auditory information fixation instruments’ development were studied and revealed. The nature, destination and functions of the phonodocuments were figured out. Based on documents classification according to different criterions the typology of the phonodocuments was structured. The typology is based on new features – types of sound equipment and specifics of the fixed content. Musical phonodocuments are highlighted as a special cluster of the communication area. In that context the central attention is paid to the characterization of the nature of technical artifacts on the rock music’s records mainly through the communicative essence. In context of sociocommunication the peculiarities of the industry system organization, replication, distribution and storage of the musical phonodocuments in different areas of the world were revealed. The basic principles of the functioning and interaction of the sound recording industry subjects were marked. The cyclicity of the megasystem of the phonodocuments communication development was proved based on generalizing of the foreign and domestic historical experience. The main regularities and principals of the phonodocuments formation were formulated. Common and distinctive features of the national and non-state phonodocuments functioning at the present stage were revealed. The attention on the storage organization specifics and using radiophonodocuments was focused, the specifics of this subtype transformation were characterized in details. The specifics of using phonodocument title rights were concretized. Demarcation of the causes and conditions of the counterfeiting with other types of the musical phonodocument falsifications was held. The perspective plan of the audio-piracy counteraction was built based on expert values results of the law mechanism effectiveness. The bootleg phenomenon is presented as phonodocument option. The systematic incorporation of the world sound recording industry and audiovisual archives into phonodocument communications processes was substantiated. The phonodocument communication models were presented as disconnected elements, which were organically gathered and integrated into the balanced system. The ways of the communication plat-form enhancement were offered for creating and circulating of the phonodocuments in new conditions. This platform requires the introduction of the measures complex on the functional-content segmentation of the logistic channels and chains, reconstruction of the main elements and optimization of the auxiliary-servicing productions, as well as regulatory support of the legal regime of individual information resources with limited access. Advantages and disadvantages of the consumer formats revision of the phonodocuments were pointed. A number of provisions of the investigation in this post-dissertational re-lease were fed in unfolded view. Particularly, innovation developments on thematic scenario of the private sound recording collections formation and corporative phonogram storages modernization based on intercompany cooperation were represented, methodical recommendations on budgetary home music library projecting were set out, significant expansion of the investigation area was undertaken at the expanse of in-depth systematization of the non-musical phonodocuments block.

Keywords: Album, Audio Archive, Gramophone Record, Recording, Sound Carrier, Cassette, Compact Disc, Magnetic Tape, Music Library, Phonogram Document.

Information About the Author

Synieokyi Oleh Volodymyrovych, born in 1966, 30th June, Professor of the Department of Communication Theory, Advertisement, PR & Media-Law of the Zaporizhzhya National University, Doctor of Social Communications.

For several years from 1983 he studied at Leningrad institute of the precision mechanics and optics. During army service, he graduated from Extramural Military Correspondents School, actively published in the district newspaper. He worked as a lawyer in one of the first non-state marketing and advertisement enterprises. From 1992 he worked in prosecuting authorities of the Zaporizhian region (investigator, prosecutor-criminalist, chief head of the criminalistics department). He got extramural high law education in Ukrainian State Law Academy (1994). He has class rank – counselor of justice (2000). In 2003, he moved to scientific and teaching job in Zaporizhzhya National University. He is a Candidate of the law science by Criminal law and criminology; Criminally-executive law specialty (Yaroslav the Wise Law Academy of Ukraine, 2006). He is an Associate professor of the Criminal law and justice chair (2008). From 2013 he has hold a rank of professor at the faculty of the journalism and teach informational-law cycle disciplines. He developed and introduced Author’s courses “Popular Music & Mass Communication” and “International Communication Law”. He is an author of 15 Educational-methodical and practical allowances. 50 articles are published in lead scientific magazines of Kazakhstan, Russia, Romania, Slovakia, Croatia. He is a member of the editorial board of the scientific magazine “Scientific Letters of Academic Society of Michal Baludansky” (2014). In 2014 and 2016 he was the winner of the all-university competition “The best scientist of the year”. He productively cooperates with foreign lawyers (attorneys), phonoarchivists, musicians, producers, publishers, rock-journalists, collectors.