State Archive of the Administrative Agencies of the Sverdlovsk Region: Special Aspects of Acquisition
УДК 930.253:352(470.5)+342.5
Yulia N. Abramova, Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation
State Archive of the Administrative Agencies of the Sverdlovsk Region: Special Aspects of Acquisition
Early 1990s saw a great changes in archiving. To prevent unlawful destruction of documents and to create conditions for their usage in science and culture, the RSFSR Presidential Decree "On the archives of the Committee for State Security of the USSR" ordered all archives of the Committee for State Security of the USSR to be passed under the administration of archival agencies of the RSFSR. The Russian Federation Presidential Decree "On the Archival Fond of the Russian Federation and the archives" repealed the right of permanent departmental storage of documents in law enforcement, judicial and other departments, which led to emergence of new specialized archives in Russian Archival Service. In the Sverdlovsk region the problem was solved by creation of a specialized State Archive of Administrative Agencies on June 29, 1992. To promote the development of the archive, one of the priorities was to determine the acquisition sources. Document complex turned over by the Directorate of the Federal Security Service for the Sverdlovsk Region determined the specialization of the fonds and the acquisition sources. For years the archive has been at work to identify sources of acquisition and has found them in over 200 organizations, including, among others, the Military Commissariat of the Sverdlovsk Region, the Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affaires for the Sverdlovsk Region, district and municipal courts and public prosecution office. Each organization having its particular qualities, each required a particular approach. The archive made an assessment of the state of departmental archives, helped update departmental regulatory and procedural documents. Realities of the modern life vindicate the decision to create a separate specialized archive, as it has proved viable and much-in-demand. Unlike many state archives in other subjects of the Russian Federation, the fonds of the archive are regularly replenished from the Directorate of the Federal Service for the Execution of Sanctions, public prosecution office, Customs, Military Commissariat of the Sverdlovsk Region, etc.
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Archiving in Russia, archive, list of acquisition sources, organizations as acquisition sources, depositary storage.
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About author
Abramova Yulia Nikolaevna, First Russian President Boris Yeltsin Ural Federal University, PhD student, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation, +7-902-585-03-34, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Submitted 04.03.2017, published:
ABRAMOVA, YU. N. Gosudarstvennyi arkhiv administrativnykh organov Sverdlovskoi oblasti: osobennosti komplektovaniya arkhivnykh fondov [State Archive of the Administrative Agencies of the Sverdlovsk Region: Special aspects of acquisition]. IN: Vestnik arhivista / Herald of an archivist, 2017, no. 2, pp. 156-168.