Activities of the Military Directorate for the Leningrad Military District on the Eve of World War II and Those of the Field Operations Directorates for Northern and Leningrad Fronts in 1941: A Historiographic and Source Study AnalysisKovalev S.N., Zharsky A.P., Szczerba A N., St. Petersburg, Russian Federation Activities of the Military Directorate for the Leningrad Military District on the Eve of World War II and Those of th... Read more... News | Kovalev S.N., Zharsky A.P., Szczerba A N. | Thursday, 3 October 2024 |
Revisiting Archaeography of Military History of the Caucasus: A Case-Study of D.C. Bushen’s Activities
Subsistence Supply of the Urban Population of Western Siberia in the Days of the Great Patriotic War
Physical Education in Russian Schools in the End of the 19th – Beginning of the 20th Century
Information Potential of Documents of the All-Union Dzerzhinsky Thermotechnical Institute for Studying Industrialization in the Kuybyshev Region in the 1st to 3rd Five-Year Plans
The Ukrainian Component of Regional Professional Musical Culture in 1939–1945: A Case Study of the Volga Region
New Trends and Figures of Document Management in Federal Executive Agencies
Archival funds and collections
Representation of Organizational and Legal Aspects of Resistance to the Nazi Occupiers in the Document Fonds of Federal, Departmental and Regional ArchivesKorovin V.V., Kursk, Russian Federation Representation of Organizational and Legal Aspects of Resistance to the Nazi Occupiers in the Document Fonds of Federal, Departmental and Regional Archives ... Read more... Archival funds and collections | Korovin V.V. | Tuesday, 8 October 2024 |
History of the Chukotka Peninsula Exploration in the Documents from the Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Documentary Monuments of the L.A. Greenberg Collection from the State Historical Museum: The History of Acquisition
An Orthodox Parish in the Mari Region in the Context of Antireligious Policies of the 1930s: Based on Materials of the State Archive of the Russian Federation
Russian archives abroad
Fond of Grigory Leonidovich Lozinsky in the Research Center for East European Studies at the University of BremenУДК 94(470) DOI 10.28995/2073-0101-2020-1-208-222 Liudmila V. Klimovich I. N. Ulyanov Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University, Ulyanovsk, Russian Federation Fond of Grigory Leonidovich Lozins... Read more... Russian archives abroad | Liudmila V. Klimovich | Tuesday, 13 October 2020 |
Personal Provenance Fonds of Russian Emigrants in the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia
Strategy of the White Army on the Southern Front in A. I. Denikin’s ‘Defamation of the White Movement’
Letters of A. V. Kartashev, Ex-Minister of the Provisional Government, from the Peter and Paul Fortress: 1917–1918
A.F. Kerensky: Documentary Evidence from Foreign Archives
Bakhmeteff Archive of Russian and East European History and Culture as One of the Largest Depositories of Rossica in the USA
Russian Diaspora: Preservation of Cultural Heritage
Publication of archival documents
Documents of the Special Commission of Inquiry into the Actions of the Bolsheviks under the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces in South Russia (1919) from the State Archive of Russian Federation as a Source on the History of Parish Churches and MonastAgeev E.A., Frolovo, Russian Federation Documents of the Special Commission of Inquiry into the Actions of the Bolsheviks under the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces in South Russia (1919) f... Read more... Publication of archival documents | Ageev E.A. | Tuesday, 1 October 2024 |
Materials from the Russian State Archive of Ancient Documents (RGADA) fond “Astrakhan Prikaz Chamber” as a Source for Studying Social Structure of the Astrakhan Yurt Tatars
Clergy of the Russian Orthodox Church in the Occupied Territories of the USSR in the Days of the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945
Historical Sources on Cases of Collaborationism on the Occupied Territory of the Central-Chernozem Region in 1941–1943
Credit and Financial Policy of the Soviet State under the New Economic Policy (NEP): Aspects of Source Studies
Religious Politics of the State and the Revival of the Russian Orthodox Church in the Days of the Great Patriotic War: A Case-Study of the Molotov Region
Document as an Element of the Information Environment of Society
Tickets for Burial in the Donskoy Monastery Necropolis in the 1770s as a Historical SourceDevyatkov M.S., Elektrostal, Russian Federation Tickets for Burial in the Donskoy Monastery Necropolis in the 1770s as a Historical Source Abstract The article attempts to estimate quantitat... Read more... Anniversaries | Devyatkov M.S. | Tuesday, 24 September 2024 |
"The Whole Grove of Annenhof, a Hand basin, a Cane and Some Great Chairs of the Tsars, All Sold...": the Notions of Russia's Historical Heritage in the Early 1800s
«Grandfathers Received Money – Children Were to Repay»: Liquidation of Russia's Largest Grebenin Loan-saving Partnership, 1897–1917
Mission of General Petit: Soviet-French Military Cooperation during World War II in the Documents of the Central Archive of the Russian Ministry of Defense
The Yalta (Crimea) Conference, 1945 in the Context of Soviet Foreign Policy and International Relations Dynamics
Ideological Confrontation between the USSR and Nazi Germany in 1941–1945: Learning to Hate the Enemy
Generation of the Fond 397 (Khrushchev Nikita Sergeyevich) of the Russian State Archive of Social and Political History: Glimpses of History