УДК 94(470)
Sergei E. Kalinchev, Federal Archival Agency, Moscow, Russian Federation
Federal Archival Agency Update
The update analyses scientific and methodological activities of the Federal Archival Agency (Rosarchiv), and those of the Russian Society of Historians and Archivists (ROIA) and of the federal archives discussed and approved by the Public Council under the Federal Archival Agency: methods of public expertise and data collection that reflect the public opinion on the Rosarchiv activities and its effective cooperation with the Public Council; its execution of the departmental plan for implementation of the Doctrine of Openness and Transparency of Federal Government Agencies; draft of the activity plan for 2017-2022 and that of the Public Statement of Purpose and Objectives of the Federal Archival Agency for 2017; progress report of the Public Council in 2016 and its objectives for 2017; new version of the Arrangements for Archival Documents Usage in State and Municipal Archives; report of the inspection of the Russian State Archive of Early Acts. To date there has been approved a Standard List of State (Municipal) Services in the Sphere of Archiving; there has been signed an order of cooperation between the Federal Archival Agency and the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. An analytical review “Monitoring of state archives of the Russian Federation projects in digitization of finding aids and archival documents” has been published. Project “Russian mysteries: 20th century”, a series of 12 documentary films on little-known pages of the Soviet history, is nearing completion. The following exhibitions have been organized: “Russia and Kazakhstan: Strategy of everlasting friendship” (National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan); “S.P. Korolev: Finishing touches in the portrayal of the Chief designer of space rockets: To the 110th anniversary of his birth”; internet project “‘Brilliant son of the golden age’: N.M. Karamzin and his times” coinciding with the 250th anniversary of the eminent historian and man of letters; “1917. Romanovs & Revolution. The End of Monarchy” (Hermitage Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands). The celebration of the 800th anniversary of Alexander Nevsky is to be prepared. There have been published the following anthologies: “World War I in photographs from the fonds of the Russian State Archive of the Navy (RGA VMF)” and “Meetings and summit talks of the leaders of the USSR and Yugoslavia in 1946-1980.” The Third Meeting of State Archives from Slavic Countries took place in Warsaw, Poland. There was a scientific conference dedicated to the 515th anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations between Russia and Iran.
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Archives, archiving, Federal Archival Agency, historical documentary exhibition, Russian State University for the Humanities (RGGU), Russian State Archive of the Russian Federation (GARF), Russian State Archive of Socio-Political History (RGASPI), Russian State Archive of Early Acts (RGADA), All-Russian Archival Science and Records Management Research Institute (VNIIDAD), Russia, Iran, Germany, Kazakhstan, Poland.
Vstrechi i peregovory na vysshem urovne rukovoditelei SSSR i Yugoslavii v 1946–1980 gg. T. 2: 1964–1980. Gl. red. M. Miloshevich, V. P. Tarasov, N. G. Tomilina [MILOSHEVICH M., TARASOV V. P., TOMILINA N. G. (eds.) Meetings and summit talks of the leaders of the USSR and Yugoslavia in 1946-1980. Vol. 2: 1964-1980. In Russ.]. Moscow, Mezhdunarodnyi fond “Demokratiya” publ., 2017, 944 p.
Dokumenty vneshnei politiki SSSR. 1943. T. XXVI. V 2 kn. Kn. 1. Yanvar' – avgust [Documents on the foregn policy of the USSR: 1943. Vol. 26. In 2 books. Book 1: January – August. In Russ.]. Maikop, Poligraf-YuG publ., 2016, 744 p.; Kn. 2. Sentyabr' – dekabr' [Book 2: September – December. In Russ.]. Maikop, Poligraf-YuG publ., 2016, 676 p.
Istorik nauki i Rossiiskogo flota Valentin Georgievich Smirnov. Materialy k biobibliografii uchenogo [Valentin G. Smurnov, science and Russian Navy historian: Materials for the scientist’s bio- and bibliography. In Russ.]. St. Petersburg, Izdatel' Aleksei Kruzenshtern publ., 2014, 64 p.
Pervaya mirovaya voina v fotografiyakh iz fondov Rossiiskogo gosudarstvennogo arkhiva Voenno-Morskogo Flota. V 2 vyp. Vyp. 1. Lichnye fondy [World War I in photographs from the fonds of the Russian State Archive of the Navy. In 2 issues. Issue 1: Personal provenance fonds. In Russ.]. St. Petersburg, Russko-Baltiiskii informatsionnyi tsentr “BLITs” publ., 2016, 160 p.; Vyp. 2. Kollektsii [Issue 2: Collections. In Russ.]. St. Petersburg, Russko-Baltiiskii informatsionnyi tsentr “BLITs” publ., 2016, 288 p.
Perepiska getmanov Levoberezhnoi Ukrainy s Moskvoi i Sankt-Peterburgom. 1654-1764 gg. T. 1. Getmanstvo Bogdana Khmel'nitskogo. 1654-1657 gg. [Communications of the hetmans of Left-bank Ukraine with Moscow and St. Petersburg: 1654-1764. Vol. 1: The Hetmanate of Bohdan Khmelnytsky: 1654-1657. In Russ.]. Moscow, Drevnekhranilishche publ., 2017, 406 p.
Sovetsko-vengerskie ekonomicheskie otnosheniya. 1948–1973 gg. Otv. red. A. N. Artizov, D. Fel'desh [ARTIZOV A. N., FOLDES D. (eds.) Soviet- Hungarian economic relations: 1948-1973. In Russ.]. Moscow, MFD publ., 2012, 576 p.
About author
Kalinchev Sergei Ericovich, press secretary of the Federal Archival Agency, Russian Federation, +7-495-190-55-72, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Submitted 31.03.2017, published:
KALINCHEV, S. E. Khronika sobytii [Federal Archival Agency Update. In Russ.]. IN: Vestnik arhivista / Herald of an archivist, 2017, no. 2, pp. 285-298.