УДК 929.5.
Grigory N. Lanskoy, Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow, Russian Federation
On publication of the scientific anthology “Russian Genealogy”
The author reviews the first volume of a scientific anthology on genealogy of all groups of Russian population covering the period from 16th century to early 20th century, which was published with the support of the Russian Society of Historians and Archivists. Articles included in the anthology are devoted to family history of nobles, entrepreneurs, churchmen and peasants from various regions of the Russian Empire. Most are based on documents from the Russian State Archive of Early Acts and from state archives of various regions of the Russian Federation. Numerous documents on the history of the Romanovs, which were accumulated in the Hoover Institution Archives on War, Revolution and Peace, are being introduced into scientific use for the first time. The author traces the composition of the identified sources from 19th – early 20th century in order to demonstrate the success of the epistolary sources and diaries analysis. He focuses on the reflection of events following the February revolution of 1917 and those of the Romanovs’ exile. Of great interest is the reference to availability in the Hoover Institution Archives of not only written documents, but also of audiovisual sources and physical objects. The review notes that the authors of papers drew on written sources of various types and used contemporary methods of historical studies. While assessing the documentary publications in the anthology, the author indicates their high quality, as the compilers used all requisite methods to prepare scientific edition of the historical documents. The review concludes that all published materials are of great importance for studying different aspects of Russian social history.
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Russian genealogy, social history, noble families, peasants, Russian orthodox church, written sources, archives, Russian Society of Historians and Archivists (ROIA).
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About author
Lanskoy Grigory Nikolayevich, PhD in History, dean of the faculty of documentary sciences and technical archives, History and Archives Institute, Russian State University for the Humanities (RGGU), Moscow, Russian Federation, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Submitted 15.02.2017, published:
LANSKOI, G. N. K izdaniyu nauchnogo al'manakha “Rossiiskaya genealogiya” [On publication of the scientific anthology “Russian Genealogy.” In Russ.]. Vestnik arhivista / Herald of an archivist, 2017, no. 2, pp. 312-319.