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G. A. Dvoenosova
Kazan State Power Egineering University, Kazan, Russian Federation
“General” and “Specific” Document Theories
The article attempts a methodological analysis of existing document theories in modern scholarship. Some of them are termed as “general”, other, consequently, should be viewed as “specific”. This analysis is to determine whether these theories meet the requirements of post-non-classical science and whether they reveal the substance of document as a social phenomenon. The article highlights informational, legal, communication, management and phenomenological document theories based on pertaining scientific approaches. The article analyzes object and subject of these theories, scientific world view, frameworks, and scientific methods applied to the study of document. The author assesses the theories explanatory potential, framework of categories and concepts, patterns predicted by the theories, their flexibility and practical applicability. The author assesses the significance of their contribution to the scientific knowledge of document and the prospects of the scientific explanatory theories development. The article advances a development trend of the document theory on synergetic paradigm that explains the document nature not just as data fixed in permanent form, but as an instrument of social (rational purpose pointing) action and social self-organization. The synergetic paradigm places document in the framework of global social world view and in that of the evolution of social development, which is seen as a succession of periods of chaos (revolution, war, etc.) and order (state, political regime, etc.). In this perpetual process of global evolution the document is seen as a main instrument of social self-organization. Studying of document by novel means of philosophical, social and historical, social and political analysis, developing its theoretical synergetic model and identifying patterns of document flow in the social continuum reveal its nature as an instrument of social (rational purpose pointing) action and social self-organization. Therefore synergetic theory of document is to be considered an explanatory theory.
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Scientific theory, scientific paradigm, document science, document, document theory, synergetic theory of document.
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About author
Dvoenosova Galina Aleksandrovna, PhD in History, associate professor, Kazan State Power Engineering University, professor, +7-917-293-53-36, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Submitted 9.01.2017, published:
DVOENOSOVA, G.A. “Obshchie” i “chastnye” teorii dokumenta [“General” and “specific” document theories. In Russ.]. IN: Vestnik arhivista / Herald of an Archivist, 2017, no. 3, pp. 133-142.