Concerning Founding and Daily Life of the Serpukhov Vladychny (Presentation) Monastery: Late 19th – Early 20th Century: Source Studies Analysis
УДК 94(47)
DOI 10.28995/2073-0101-2017-4-263-273
Olga V. Tebina, Natalia V. Logacheva
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russian Federation
Concerning Founding and Daily Life of the Serpukhov Vladychny (Presentation) Monastery: Late 19th – Early 20th Century: Source Studies Analysis
Drawing on a book by V. A. Rozhdestvensky ‘Historical description of the Serpukhov Vladychny coenobitic convent’ first published in 1866 and republished in 2007 with additions, the authors study history and significance of the Vladychny convent from its foundation in the 14th century to late 19th century. The authors focus on the analysis of monastic life. The authors study monastery location, church buildings and shrines, sacristy, monastery library, as well as objective reasons for its conversion from a friary into a convent. When writing his book, V. A. Rozhdestvensky used method of historical research and descriptive method. Thus, the first part of his book shows a complete picture of structure, life, decline and revival of the Vladychny monastery, based on records and acts of the monastery. The second part reviews modern materials concerning the monastery. The updated 2007 edition includes memoirs of nuns and parishioners. The article underscores that much of archival materials on the history of the Vladychny (Presentation) monastery used by V. A. Rozhdestvensky had been lost, and the publication of his book restores them to scholars studying the history of Christianity in Russia. According to Rozhdestvensky, in Soviet era near Presentation monastery there was an aviation school. With such neighbors break up of the monastery parish was imminent. Appendix contains copies of archival documents on the monastery history (1764-1916). Of particular importance, in our view, is the use of extracts from sources on the Vladychny monastery history in 1745-1917. Assessing historical importance of the book, the authors emphasize its scientific and practical significance, as it promotes a deeper study of little-known facts of the Vladychny monastery history.
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Historical source, written sources, monastery, Orthodoxy, culture, devotions, service, economic situation, ancient monuments.
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Abuot authors
Tebina Olga Vyacheslavovna, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, department of history of Russia, PhD student, Moscow, Russian Federation, +7-903-967-21-07, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Logacheva Natalia Vyacheslavovna, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, department of history of Russia, senior lecturer, Moscow, Russian Federation, +7-916-335-13-76, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Submitted 22.05.2017, published:
TEBINA, O. V., LOGACHEVA, N. V. Iz istorii osnovaniya i zhizneuklada Serpukhovskogo Vvedenskogo Vladychnogo monastyrya: istochnikovedcheskii aspekt [Concerning founding and daily life of the Serpukhov Vladychny (Presentation) Monastery: Late 19th – early 20th century: Source studies analysis. In Russ.]. IN: Vestnik arhivista – Herald of an Archivist, 2017, no. 4, pp. 263-273.