Attempt upon the Life of P. N. Milyukov and Assassination of V. D. Nabokov in Berlin (1922): Testimony of the Accused Monarchist S.V. Taboritzky

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УДК 94(47)

DOI 10.28995/2073-0101-2018-4-1163-1174

Konstantin D. Kotelnikov

St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation

Attempt upon the Life of P. N. Milyukov and Assassination of V. D. Nabokov in Berlin (1922): Testimony of the Accused Monarchist S.V. Taboritzky


This publication introduces into scientific use and analyses a document on the planning and realization of the assasination attempt on P.N. Milyukov and the murder of V.D. Nabokov on March 28, 1922. The criminals, far-right Russian monarchists P.N. Shabelsky-Bork and S.V. Taboritzky were arrested on the crime scene (the Berlin Philarmonic Hall, where P.N. Milyukov had a public lecture). On the next day, on March 29, 1922, they gave testimonies to the Berlin criminal police. The published document is the testimony of S.V. Taboritsky, who was accused of murder of V.D. Nabokov, one of the leaders of the Constitutional Democratic Party, which was in opposition to the right monarchists. Nabokov wasn't the target of this act of terrorism; his murder wasn't planed, it was unintentional. Trying to prove Taboritzky's innocence, Shabelsky and Taboritzky tried to justify their actions and kept changing their testimonies during the inquiry and trial. Taboritzky wasn’t to shoot Mliyukov or any others Kadets. He came, primarily, to give his moral support to Shabelsky. V.D. Nabokov was killed in struggle, when turmoil and panic spread. Thus, the most important questions facing the investigation was whether it was S. Taboritzky who shot Mliyukov and whether he had any weapon on himself that day. However, numerous witnesses confirmed Taboritzky's guilt. The published testimonies contain evidence unfavourable to Taboritzky and also some accurate data on the attempt preparation. Relying on information from the witnesses and these testimonies of Taboritzky (and disregarding his later testimonies) the court convicted him. He shot V. Nabokov, when he seized P.N. Shabelsky who attempted to kill Milyukov. His behavior during the investigation and trial caused much irritation in the Berlin penal court, and Taboritzky was sentenced to 14-years imprisonment. On other questions reviewed in court (motives of crime, accomplices, role P.N. Shabelsky, events of evening on March 28, 1922) S. Taboritzky repeated the earlier testimonies of Shabelsky.

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Source, Milyukov, Nabokov, Kadets, monarchists, emigration, Russian Berlin.


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About author

Kotelnikov Konstantin Dmitrievich, St. Petersburg State University, Institute of History, department of modern and contemporary history, post-graduate student, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation, +7-904-602-51-47, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Submitted 28.04.2018, published:

KOTELNIKOV, K. D. Pokushenie v Berline v 1922 g. na P. N. Milyukova i ubiistvo V. D. Nabokova: pokazaniya obvinyaemogo, monarkhista S. V. Taboritskogo [Attempt upon the Life of P. N. Milyukov and Assassination of V. D. Nabokov in Berlin (1922): Testimony of the Accused Monarchist S.V. Taboritzky. In Russ.]. IN: Vestnik arhivista / Herald of an Archivist, 2018, no. 4, pp. 1163-1174. doi 10.28995/2073-0101-2018-4-1163-1174

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