Revenues and Expenses of the Gymnasium and Uezd Schools of the Smolensk Gubernia at the Eve of the Great Reforms of Alexander II (Mid-19th Century)
УДК 94(470.332)«18»
DOI 10.28995/2073-0101-2019-3-852-863
Oleg V. Kozlov
Smolensk State University, Smolensk, Russian Federation
Revenues and Expenses of the Gymnasium and Uezd Schools of the Smolensk Gubernia at the Eve of the Great Reforms of Alexander II (Mid-19th Century)
The subject of interactions between central and local authorities in view of financing upcoming reforms is of great significance. In a case-study of educational institutions of the Smolensk gubernia, the article examines an attempt of the Ministry of National Education to streamline income and expenses of gymnasiums and uezd schools in Russia at the eve of the Great Reforms of Alexander II. Drawing on unpublished documents from the State Archive of the Smolensk Region, it offers a first ever study of factual information on the implementation of the Ministry of National Education decisions on introduction of new forms of reports on incomes and expenses of the male gymnasium and uezd schools of the Smolensk gubernia in 1861–1862, that is, just before the start of national reforms in the educational sphere. The article provides information on the income of educational institutions. It consisted of the State Treasury disbursements, tuition fees, receipts from the Office of Public Charity, City Dumas, income from leased crown lands and properties, special funds of the Ministry of National Education, etc. Analysis of the archival data on the expenditure of the gymnasium and uezd schools of the Smolensk gubernia shows that main expenses included salaries of teachers and employees, cost of building repairs, and other daily requirements (maintenance, rent and insurance of buildings, stationery, awards to students, library costs). From the point of view of gubernia authorities, which rarely coincided with that of the heads of uezd schools, the schools were sufficiently financed. The statistics presented in the article demonstrate a certain stability of the uezd schools of the Smolensk gubernia, as well as desire of the central and local authorities to tighten their control over schools’ income and expenses. The cited information on the financial situation of regional educational institutions on the eve of Russian modernization in the second half of the 19th century is of undoubted interest for the history of education, regional studies, and economic history.
Historical sources, provincial educational institutions, Smolensk gubernia, gymnasium, uezd schools, 1861–1862, sources of financing, incomes and expenses of educational institutions.
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Grant information
This article has been prepared with financial support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, project no. 33.1419.2017/ПЧ “World Slavic Studies in Studying Modern and Contemporary History of Russia and Belarus: Concepts of Slavic Unity and Original Development in Historical Retrospect.”
About author
Kozlov Oleg Vladimirovich, PhD in History, professor, Smolensk State University, department of Russian history, professor, Smolensk, Russian Federation, +7-920-311-43-48, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Submitted 25.05.2019, published (for citation):
KOZLOV, O. V. Dokhody i raskhody gimnazii i uezdnykh uchilishch Smolenskoi gubernii v nachale Velikikh reform Aleksandra II vtoroi poloviny XIX veka [Revenues and Expenses of the Gymnasium and Uezd Schools of the Smolensk Gubernia at the Eve of the Great Reforms of Alexander II (Mid-19th Century). In Russ.]. IN: Vestnik arhivista / Herald of an Archivist, 2019, no. 3, pp. 852-863. doi 10.28995/2073-0101-2019-3-852-863