УДК 930+929
DOI 10.28995/2073-0101-2019-4-1173-1185
Natalia V. Illeritskaya, Alexander P. Logunov
Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow, Russian Federation
V. E. Illeritsky: Living for Historical Science (1912-1980)
The article is devoted to the problem of developing a scientific biography of one of the famous historiographers of our country - Vladimir Evgenievich Illeritsky. The relevance of the research topic is determined by the fact that the authors of the article for the first time in Russian historiography analyze the scientific work of V. E. Illeritsky in the methodology of the "new biography". This allows us to simultaneously consider Illeritsky’s creative activity both as a goal of research, and as an adequate means of knowing the intellectual space in which he worked and thought. Such a theoretical and methodological approach to the study of the scientific heritage of Illeritsky allows researchers to focus on microanalysis of his monographic texts as historiographic sources of personal origin. V. E. Illeritsky is an author of a number of fundamental works. In the 1960s–70s he published two fundamental monographs, which were the first generalizing studies of the historical views of Russian revolutionary democrats, and became the founder of a new direction in Russian historiography. The central idea of the last lifetime monograph of V. E. Illeritsky is the thesis about outstanding role of the historical heritage of S. M. Solovyov in Russian classical historiography. Solovyov created the philosophy of Russian history, which predetermined the practice of scientific historiography in Russia. Of particular interest is the text of the unfinished monograph by V. E. Illeritsky, which was published posthumously in 2006. This is his final work, the historiography of Soviet historiography. The value of this text only grows with time, since it is a source of personal origin belonging to the pen of a famous scientist immersed in the context of contemporary historical science. The book simulates central problems of the final stage of V. E. Illeritsky’s scientific work. However, the main merit of this text lies in the fact that it forms an adequate representation of the research culture and practice of historiography of Soviet historiography of the 1980s.
Historiographic sources, V. E. Illeritsky, scientific biography, Russian historiography, revolutionary and democratic direction, historical heritage of S. M. Solovyov, historiographic sources of personal provenance.
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About authors
Illeritskaya Natalia Vladimirovna, PhD in History, professor, Russian State University for the Humanities, Department of History and Theory of History, professor, Moscow, Russian Federation, +7-919-967-71-76, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Logunov Alexander Petrovich, PhD in History, professor, Russian State University for the Humanities, Dean of the Faculty of History, Political Science and Law, Moscow, Russian Federation, +7-495-250-69-28, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Submitted 18.01.2019, published (for citation):
ILLERITSKAYA, N. V., LOGUNOV, A. P. V. E. Illeritskii: kogda istoricheskoi nauke posvyashchena zhizn' (1912–1980) [V. E. Illeritsky: Living for Historical Science (1912-1980). In Russ.]. IN: Vestnik arhivista / Herald of an Archivist, 2019, no. 4, pp. 1173-1185. doi 10.28995/2073-0101-2019-4-1173-1185