From the History of the State Council of the Russian Empire: 1810–2021

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УДК 94(47)+930.253

DOI 10.28995/2073-0101-2022-1-54-65

Korneva, Nadezda V, Raskin, David I.

St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation

From the History of the State Council of the Russian Empire: 1810–2021


The article is to highlight the history of the Archive of the State Council. In its composition and content of its materials, this archive was one of the most important in the system of departmental archives of the Russian Empire. At present, the archival fonds of the State Council are a valuable part of the Archival Fond of the Russian Federation. The history of the Archive of the State Council has not been sufficiently studied. Until now, it has not been the subject of special research. The article is to showcase the history of archival theory and archiving in pre-revolutionary Russia in a case-study of the history of the Archive of the State Council and to trace the fate of one of the most important documents collections on the history of the Russian Empire. The article is based on unpublished archival documents, as well as on available research on the history of archiving in Russia and on the history of the formation of the State Council’s reference apparatus. The Archive of the State Council was created simultaneously with the State Council itself as a structural part of the State Chancellery. The archive received current documents on the activities of the State Council, its structural parts, as well as its various temporary committees, commissions, and meetings. The archive also stored documents of higher institutions — predecessors of the State Council. Despite the State Council’s eminence in the system of institutions of the Russian Empire, its archival staff remained insufficient, state of reference apparatus unsatisfactory. The latter was due to the peculiarities of the State Chancellery office work. However (in contrast to other departmental archives), the files that entered the archive were, as a rule, preserved. The second half of the 19th century saw an improvement in the archive’s reference apparatus. The archive proceeded from alphabetical indexes in the form of books to alphabetical index cards. The card index of the State Council Archive became one of the largest and most efficient. It was a prototype of the future archival catalogues. In 1908–14, there were published 17 volumes of the State Council Archive’s series. The archive was available to historians. On June 1, 1918, the archive became a part of the Unified State Archival Fond of the RSFSR. It was preserved from destruction and inappropriate re-systematization.


Archives, State Council, State Chancellery, reference apparatus, archival series, alphabets, card index, documents publication.

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RASKIN D. Arkhiv Rossiiskoi imperii. Sud'ba dokumental'nogo naslediya vysshikh i tsentral'nykh uchrezhdenii Rossiiskoi imperii [Archives of the Russian Empire: The fate of the documentary heritage of the higher and central institutions of the Russian Empire. In Russ.]. Palmarium Academic Publishing, Saarbr?cken, 2015, 665 p.

About the authors

Korneva Nadezda Mikhailovna, PhD in History, St. Petersburg State University, department of Russian history, assistant professor, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation, +7-905-279-20-26, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Raskin David Iosifovich, PhD in History, St. Petersburg State University, professor, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation, +7-911-121-36-78, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Submitted 6.09.2021, published (for citation):

KORNEVA, N. M., RASKIN, D. I. Iz istorii arkhiva Gosudarstvennogo soveta Rossiiskoi imperii. 1810-2021 gg. [From the History of the State Council of the Russian Empire: 1810–2021. In Russ.]. IN: Vestnik arhivista / Herald of an Archivist, 2022, no. 1, pp. 54-65. doi 10.28995/2073-0101-2022-1-54-65

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