Automation of Electronic Document Management Systems Functions by Means of Artificial Intelligence Technologies

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Scientific article

УДК 651:004+005.92+930.25

DOI 10.28995/2073-0101-2022-3-772-783

Belov, Ilya I.

Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow, Russian Federation

Automation of Electronic Document Management Systems Functions by Means of Artificial Intelligence Technologies


The article discusses the use of artificial intelligence technologies in performance of documentation processes in electronic document management systems in order to improve existing practices and to develop methods of using such technologies and implementing some functions automatically without or with minimal human intervention. The scientific novelty of the research is due to an attempt to generalize practical experience of using artificial intelligence technologies to automate electronic document management systems functions by direct development and modernization of such systems and also by introduction of outsourced software for simplification of some tasks for specialists in the field of document management. The study is to analyze the functionality of electronic document management systems implemented with use of intelligent solutions. It draws on works of national and foreign experts in the field of document management, archival science, and information technology. The article reviews electronic document management systems based on artificial intelligence technologies, as well as software solutions integrated into information systems for intellectualization of various processes pertaining to working with documents. It analyzes specific software products of Russian developers involved in various areas of the economy and in direct creation of software in the field of electronic document management, as well as foreign experience in development and use of software for solving practical problems in the field of document management. The article describes the main functions for registering, indexing, routing, and searching for documents, as well as technical support for users that are already implemented within the framework of electronic document management systems using artificial intelligence technologies, which may indicate sufficient practical benefits of using intelligent solutions in document management. The author focuses not only on obvious benefits of using artificial intelligence technologies to improve efficiency and to expand functionality of electronic document management systems, but also on possible risks pertaining to ensuring information security while working with such systems, which indicates a need for further study of this area by specialists in records management and archival science.


Digital technology, software, information technology, electronic document management system, artificial intelligence, document management, intelligent modules, Artificial Vision.

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About the authors

Belov Ilya Igorevich, Russian State University for the Humanities, department of automated record management systems, postgraduate student, Moscow, Russian Federation, +7 913-608-74-28, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Submitted 31.03.2022, published (for citation):

BELOV, I. I. Avtomatizatsiya funktsii sistem elektronnogo dokumentooborota posredstvom primeneniya tekhnologii iskusstvennogo intellekta [Automation of Electronic Document Management Systems Functions by Means of Artificial Intelligence Technologies. In Russ.]. IN: Vestnik arhivista / Herald of an Archivist, 2022, no. 3, pp. 772-783. doi 10.28995/2073-0101-2022-3-772-783

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