E.A. Lutskiy at the Institute of history, Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1943–1950): strokes to the biography

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Tikhonov V.V.,

Krasnogorsk, Russian Federation

E.A. Lutskiy at the Institute of history, Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1943–1950): strokes to the biography


The aim of the article is a comprehensive study of the little-known period of scientific biography specialist in course study and archeography E.A. Lutskiy (1907-1991) - his work at the Institute of history of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1943-1950). The research was made on the basis of previously administered in the scientific circulation of documents in the Scientific archive of the Institute of Russian history, the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Central archive of social and political history of the city of Moscow. The focus is on the ideological context in which was the work of the historian, and its impact on scientific creativity. For the first time in historiography describes the unknown facts of the biography of the scientist, presented in detail the progress of the deliberations of the sector of history of the Soviet society and the party Bureau and meeting of the collection of documents “Nationalization of land in the RSFSR”, prepared by them, and subsequently prohibited to publish on ideological grounds. Discussion of the collection perfectly shows the situation in the Institute of history in the years of ideological campaigns of the last Stalinist decades, characterized by the search of the ideological errors, as well as the intention of the staff to use the situation to eliminate competitors and career growth. In addition to a collection of documents historian prepared to protection doctoral thesis on the agrarian question in the years of the revolution. The article discusses methodological innovations proposed by the author in preparing. The dissertation also was criticized for ideological reasons, and protection was postponed indefinitely. On the basis of facts, the conclusion is made about the reasons for leaving a historian from the Institute of history and its transition into the Moscow state historical and archive Institute. It is emphasized that the ideological pressure led to the fact that E.A. Lutskiy several years not published any scientific work.


Source study, E.A. Lutskiy, the Soviet historical science, Institute of history, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow state historical-archive Institute.

The work was prepared with the financial support of the Russian President grant for young scientists (project № MK-2627.2013.6).

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About the author

Tikhonov Vitaliy Vitalievich, PhD in history, Institution of Russian history of Russian Academy of Sciences, docent of Russian state university for humanities, Krasnogorsk, Russian Federation, 8-905-515-25-23, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

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