Archival Pedagogy as regards Forming Value Orientations of the Younger Generation: Schools and Universities
| 13 August 2021
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УДК 94(47)+930.253
DOI 10.28995/2073-0101-2018-1-285-293
Victor V. Novokreshchennykh
Municipal Archive of Perm, Perm, Russian Federation
Irina A. Novokreshchennykh
Perm State University, Perm, Russian Federation
Archival Pedagogy as regards Forming Value Orientations of the Younger Generation: Schools and Universities
The article studies cooperation between archives and educational institutions in forming value orientation of the growing generation. The archival pedagogy is a young branch of pedagogy formed at the intersection of history, pedagogy, and allied disciplines, such as museology, archival hermeneutics, and local history. Currently, it actively penetrates archives’ activities. The article is to study and to identify means of such cooperation in a case-study of the work of the Municipal Archive of Perm with schools and universities. The novelty of study springs from materials on archival pedagogy. The authors look beyond local history and patriotism, and explore issues of Perm culture connected with preservation of the cultural heritage of the region. Perm art and science, as presented in the fonds of Municipal Archive of Perm, is examined according to local, national, and global discourse. Local history is projected on world history by contributions of individuals to art and science. Interaction of local and national aspects of culture within the framework of archival pedagogy events is studied on the material of Perm art book and from personal provenance fonds of artists S. R. Kovalev, E. V. Kamshilova, photographer M. I. Kusnetsov, and others. Professors of philology B. M. Proskurnin and N. S. Bochkareva display cooperation of regional and global components in their professional activity. Their personal provenance archival fonds may provide significant material for studying archival pedagogy. Components of regional culture became a basis of an intellectual quest game ‘Treasures and puzzles of Rasgulay,’ dedicated to the city founder, V. N. Tatischev. The article studies in great depth the 2017 event, dedicated to creative work of S. R. Kovalev, local graphic artist. There was an introductory lecture on problems of intermedia, an overview of personal provenance fonds of the archive, a presentation of the personal provenance fond of S. R. Kovalev, and then there was time for students' individual work with the files of the fond and for self-reflection, as students analyzed graphical reproductions and literary works of the artist.
Archival pedagogy, regional culture, values, school, university, artist, intermedia.
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About the authors
Novokreshchennykh Victor Vladimirovich, Municipal Archive of Perm, Director, Perm, Russian Federation, +7-982-433-01-22, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Novokreshchennykh Irina Alexandrovna, PhD in Philology, Perm State University, assistant professor, Perm, Russian Federation, +7-902-797-86-02, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Submitted 20.07.2017, published:
NOVOKRESHCHENNYKH V. V., NOVOKRESHCHENNYKH I. A. Arkhivnaya pedagogika v aspekte formirovaniya tsennostnykh orientirov podrastayushchego pokoleniya: shkoly i vuzy [Archival Pedagogy as regards forming value orientations of the younger ceneration: Schools and universities. In Russ.]. Vestnik arhivista / Herald of an Archivist, 2018, no. 1, pp. 285-293. doi 10.28995/2073-0101-2018-1-285-293