Sources about activity of Skobelevsky's committee and its role in domestic film process on the eve and during the World War I, February and October revolutions in 1917
| 18 October 2022
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Magidov V.M.
Sources about activity of Skobelevsky's committee and its role in domestic film process on the eve and during the World War I, February and October revolutions in 1917
In this article the history of creation and functioning of Skobelevsky committee is considered, the technique of research work on detection of the documents reflecting activity of committee reveals. The author carries out the analysis of the revealed documentary films and the film plots that released by Skobelevsky committee.
Archive, source, Russian State Archive of Cinema and Photo Documents (RGAKFD), Russian State archive of literature and art, Russian state military and history archive, documentary film, news film, World War I, Civil war in Russia, M. Skobelev, G. Boltyanskiy, S. Ginzburg, V. Rosolovskaya, P. Novitskiy, A. Hanjonkov.
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About the authors
Magidov Vladimir Markovich – dean of the Faculty of Technotronic and Audiovisual Documents (FTAD), Head of the Department of Audiovisual Documents and Archives of the Historical and Archival Institute of the Russian State University for the Humanities, PhD in History, professor, Moscow; This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it