Funds of early Soviet memories in the Archive of political documents of the Administrative department of the President of the republic of Azerbaijan: history, informative potential and methods

| 14 December 2023
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Morozova O.M., Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation
Funds of early Soviet memories in the Archive of political documents of the Administrative department of the President of the republic of Azerbaijan: history, informative potential and methods
Collections of memoirs from archives of CIS countries remain a little studied sources because of limited access to Soviet period and loss of interest to them after 1991. Considerable degree of subjectivity in the description of the past created steady prejudice against them. On an example of documents from Archive of political documents of Administration of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic the author of article proves the thesis about the high information potential of these sources on condition of use of the offered new technique of the collective witness consisting in comparison of the maintenance of a large number of documents, belonging to participants and eyewitnesses of the concrete event which has become object of research. These sources play a special role in studying of those moments of the historical past which didn't find reflection in official documents.
Memoir collections in archives, method of collective witness, Muganian Soviet Republic, M.S. Svanidze, T.I. Otradnev (Ul'jancev).
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About the authors
Morozova Ol'ga Mihajlovna, Dr. of Historical sciences, Professor of the Don State Technical University (Donskoj gosudarstvennyj tehnicheskij universitet), Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation, 8-928-154-02-94, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it