Archival sources for the study of peasant sentiment West region of Russia of the 1920

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Kulachkov V.V.,

Bryansk, Russian Federation.

Archival sources for the study of peasant sentiment West region of Russia of the 1920


The article is devoted to archival sources for the study of peasant sentiment West region of Russia 1920s. The Scientific importance of the study of the sentiments of the peasantry period of the new economic policy is that transitional periods contribute to the study of mental processes in the historical dynamics. The aim of the article is to form a view on archival sources for the study of peasant sentiment period of the NEP. Archival sources represented by documents of the Central and regional archives. This information contained in collections of the State archive of the Russian Federation (GARF), Russian state archive of socio-political history (RGASPI), Russian state archive of the economy (RGAE), the State archive of the Bryansk region (GABO), State archives of contemporary history of Smolensk region (GANISO), State archives of Gomel region (GAGO), State archive of public organizations in the Gomel region (GAOOGO), the State archive of documents of contemporary history of Kaluga region (GADNIKO). The chronological framework of article limited the 1920s biennium, territorial include the Bryansk, Smolensk, Kaluga and Gomel provinces. Archival sources were considered on the basis of common elements methods. The article presents office work documentation in the form of reports, references, summaries, reports, memos, correspondence. Sources of personal origin are peasant letters, which are important for the reconstruction of moods. As a rule, in the peasant letters are considered the issues of taxation, the tense relations between countryside and town, attitude to authorities of different levels, «price scissors» etc. Scientific novelty of the study sentiment is expressed in a comprehensive analysis of one of the important elements of peasant consciousness. Archival sources when their addition to published materials provide an opportunity for comprehensive consideration of this subject.


Peasants, mood, West region of Russia, sources, archive documents, peasant letters.

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About author

Kulachkov Vadim Vital'evich, Ph. D. in History, Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, History and Sociology, Bryansk State Engineering-Technological Academy,Associate Professor,Russian Federation, Bryansk, 8-953-270-81-37, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

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