Archived artistic heritage of composer Yuliy Meytus: review of funds

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Tupchiienko-Kadyrova L.,

Kirovograd, Ukraine

Archived artistic heritage of composer Yuliy Meytus: review of funds


Archived creative heritage of Yu. Meytus is kept in state archives and museums of Kirovograd, Kyiv, Moscow. In the study of heritage, we aimed to identify ways to form separate complexes and extraction features to describe the content of the information of documents. Ways of formation of these documentary complexes are different: from selecting a few documents to represent the life and activities of the person to the special complectation or to transfer of all documents after the person’s death. Greatest and various complexes of materials about his creative, society and private life are concentrated in the Central state archive-museum of literature and art (Kyiv, Ukraine) and in the Glinka national museum consortium of Musical Culture (Moscow, Russia). The funds includes many types of documents. The main aspects of the content are aspects of culture: subjects (composer, performing musician, listener, musicologist, educator, organizer of musical activity), objects (musical compositions, genres, styles and traditions), processes (creation of a composition, performance, hearing-perception, scientific research and criticism, including its assessment, staff training, history), organizational and management structure (legal framework, state authorities and institutions, governmental and public organizations), ethnic and geographical characteristics. In addition, using structural analysis of texts can be generalized to allocate such topics as personal events, business, creative, home, social life, characterization and evaluation of events, people, works. It helps to provide information of documents on many aspects in databases. A definition of the relationships between the subjects of correspondence (family, personal, business, professional, creative, formal, public) helps determine the degree of confidence in the description of the event in documents.


Yuliy Meytus, archives, archived artistic heritage, places of preserved, archive funds, opera, musical works, art workers.

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6. Tupchienko-Kadyrova L.G. Zhiznennyj cikl muzykalnogo proizvedeniya v arhivnom nasledii Yu. Mejtusa [Life cycle of piece of music in archive heritage by Yu. Meitus. (accessed: 11.02.13)]

About author

Tupchiienko-Kadyrova Liutsiia Georgievna, сandidate of historical sciences, department of scientific discipline of documentation of Kirovograd, faculty of Kyiv National university of culture and arts a teacher, Kirovograd, Ukraine, 8-052-227-54-08; 8-052-224-50 60; +380-66-624-12-97, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

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