“Opposition and resistance of the Russian socialists and anarchists to thebolshevist regime”. About preparation of the encyclopedic dictionary

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Annotation / Аннотация
In the article is analyzed process of creation of the encyclopedic dictionary. The dictionary is devoted to destinies and opposition history to a Bolshevist mode of the Russian socialists and anarchists.
В статье анализируется процесс предпринимаемого впервые в отечественной и мировой историографии создания энциклопедического словаря, посвященного судьбам и истории противостояния большевистскому режиму российских социалистов и анархистов как внутри Советской России, так и в эмиграции.

Keywords / Ключевые слова
The encyclopedic dictionary, political parties of Russia, mensheviks, esers, left esers, eness, anarchists, resistance to a totalitarian mode, I.V. Stalin, Russian Abroad. Энциклопедический словарь, политические партии России, меньшевики, эсеры, левые эсеры, энесы, анархисты, сопротивление тоталитарному режиму, И.В. Сталин, Русское Зарубежье.

Active researches of history of political parties of Russia have allowed to start creation of new encyclopedias and biographic dictionaries. Researches of socialist parties and the anarchical organizations have begun. The research theme is very important and actual. Socialists and anarchists were a radical part of political elite of the country. This elite has been destroyed by bolshevist regime. We feel absence of this elite till today. Today in our country isn't socialist and social-democratic parties. These parties are the most powerful force. This force has made much for development of democracy and protection of human rights. For fighters with a communistic regime it has appeared the main thing in ideology of their parties. At definition of a place of socialists and anarchists in the history of Russia ХХ century it is impossible to ignore that fact that civil war was struggle of socialists with red and white. Eser Argunov has told that for socialists it there was a struggle against ”two bolshevism”. Struggle against “the bolshevism at the left” (communists), and against “the bolshevism on the right” (white guards). Argunov spoke: "The renaissance of Russia can go only through democracy. Democracy will manage to cause to life and to organize forces of the country". It is impossible to ignore this fact of times of the beginning of Civil war.

By tradition of creation of encyclopedias work on the project is conducted in party directions. Each of directions has a curator. The curator of a mensheviks direction - Nenarokov A.P. The curator of eser and esen direction – Morozov K.N. (it is the project head as a whole). The curator of an anarchical direction - the Ukrainian researcher Dubovik A.V. The curator left eser and a maximal direction – German historian Lutz Hafner (Germany). The responsible secretary of the encyclopedic dictionary - Morozova A.Yu.

The important place in the project is taken away to research of socialist and anarchical emigrations. For understanding of their role in socially-cultural life of Russian emigration it is enough to specify in political magazine “Modern notes”, and also on such people, as Fondaminsky I.I., Vishnjak M.V. , Breshko-breshkovskaya E.K., Kerensky A.F.,.Chernov V.M, Avksentev N.D., Zenzinov V.M., Martov Yu. A., Melgunov M.S., Mjakotin V.A., Aldanov M.A., Axelrod P.B., Dan F.I., Vojtinsky V.S., Portugejs S.O., Nikolaevsky B.I. and many other things. In the project participate about fifty scientists from many cities of Russia (Moscow, St.-Petersburg, Kazan, Samara, Smolensk, Nizhni Novgorod, Krasnoyarsk, Tambov, Ulyanovsk, Yaroslavl, Novosibirsk, Tomsk, Omsk, Blagoveshchensk, Kursk). Foreign researchers have taken part in the project (Ukraine, Belarus, Israel, Germany, Italy, the USA, Switzerland, the Netherlands). It was possible to involve in cooperation of the known expert on left esers Razgon A.I. (USA). There are many problems. Access of researchers to archival materials is limited. Interest to studying of resistance to communists dies away. Occurrence of this encyclopedia is improbable in the near future.

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