| 22 July 2010
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On July, 6th, 2010 in the Showroom of federal archives opening of an istoriko-documentary exhibition «Five rings under the Kremlin stars» (To 30 anniversary ХХII of Olympic games in Moscow) has taken place.
Organizers of an exhibition: Federal archival agency, the Russian state archive of a contemporary history, the Showroom of federal archives.
In exhibition opening have taken part: the State archive of the Russian Federation, the Russian state archive of sociopolitical history, the Russian state archive of film documentary photographs, Archive of the President of the Russian Federation, the Central archive of Federal Agency of safety of the Russian Federation, National Olympic committee of the Russian Federation.
Organizers of an exhibition: Federal archival agency, the Russian state archive of a contemporary history, the Showroom of federal archives.
In exhibition opening have taken part: the State archive of the Russian Federation, the Russian state archive of sociopolitical history, the Russian state archive of film documentary photographs, Archive of the President of the Russian Federation, the Central archive of Federal Agency of safety of the Russian Federation, National Olympic committee of the Russian Federation.
In the summer of 1980 Moscow became capital of the main sports competition of a planet, having turned on two weeks to the centre of the international Olympic movement. The first Olympic games on the Soviet earth have appeared not only the present sports holiday, but also one of the major political, economic, cultural events in the history of the USSR of second half of XX-th century.
The Olympic Games in Moscow have left a bright trace in the hearts of those who battled on sports arenas, worried about sportsmen on tribunes of stadiums and at screens of TVs. Preparation for Olympic games has given one of last impulses to development to weakening Soviet economy, has recovered new paints a life of Muscovites, has united all a uniform impulse to make the Moscow Games by the best in the history of the modern Olympic Games.
The Olympic games spent in Moscow have appeared in the centre of attention of the international community also because in the XX-th century sports became a world politics integral part more and more, and the first Olympic Games in the socialist country because of the place of the carrying out should appear the hostage of political ambitions. As games of 1980 passed against the next aggravation of the international contradictions caused by military-political confrontation of two contradictory political systems. Nevertheless, boycott which has been declared to Moscow by a number of the states in protest at input of the Soviet armies to Afghanistan could not sadden beauty of a sports holiday even: many sportsmen from these countries, despite interdictions and threats, have independently arrived to the USSR for participation in Games.
Events of the Moscow Olympic Games have found wide reflexion in exhibitions and the publications which have appeared soon after its termination. At the same time, for a long time for historians, journalists, sportsmen and fans of sports there was inaccessible the huge layer of the archival documentation devoted stories of the Moscow Games. There is no time supplied with various security classifications, these documents contain the major information concerning various aspects of the Olympic Games, open internal mechanisms of preparation and carrying out of the main sports holiday four years, show secret political «games round Games».
All these, in the majority for the first time represented to a wide audience, archival materials in a combination to a photo- and film documents, museum pieces (including from personal collections) are a basis of the lay-out of the exhibition dated by 30-year-old anniversary of the Moscow Olympic Games. With their help organizers of an exhibition expect to recreate a true story of Games of 1980 that is of special interest in the light of preparation for the winter Olympic Games of 2014 in Sochi. After all without the past base, we cannot construct a future building.
The address: street B.Pirogovskaja 17, a building 1.
The exhibition works: from July, 7th till August, 22nd, 2010 from 12.00 till
The days off – Monday, Tuesday.
The address: street B.Pirogovskaja 17, a building 1.
The exhibition works: from July, 7th till August, 22nd, 2010 from 12.00 till
The days off – Monday, Tuesday.