"People and Power in Russian Strife": the past and the future of system crises in Russia. Results of International Roundtable Discussions in the Institute of Sociology of RAN.
| 28 July 2010
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В статье обобщены итоги Международного круглого стола «Народ и Власть в российской Смуте». Этот Круглый стол был посвящен междисциплинарному научному анализу различных аспектов проблемы взаимодействия власти и народа как двух главных агентов исторического развития России в ситуациях глобальных социальных катаклизмов, революций и смут как периодически повторяющихся системных кризисов российского государства и общества.
Totals of the International Roundtable Discussions "People and Power in Russian Strife" are generalized in this article. The Roundtable is dedicated to the interdisciplinary scientific analysis of various aspects of problem of the interaction of Power and People as two main agents to the historical development of Russia in the situations of global social cataclysms, revolutions and strafes as periodically repetitive system crises of the Russian state and society.
Ключевые слова / Keywords
Народ, власть, российская смута, революция, массы, общество, история России. People, power, Russian Strife, Revolution, masses, society, history of Russia.
On October, 23rd, 2009 at Institute of sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences the International round table «the People and the power in the Russian distemper» in which work have taken part more than 30 scientists representing the scientific organizations and high schools has taken place. Three were discussed «great distempers» Russian history: the beginnings of XVII century, the beginning of XX century and boundary XX–XXI In the attention centre have appeared centuries the events of the 1917 which have defined key parametres of Russia of the newest time.
The urgency of a theme of a round table is caused by obvious permanence of "transition periods" of the Russian history. Necessity of judgment and understanding of the Russian crises acts as one of the main calls for an intellectual class and a ruling layer of modern Russia.
In a distemper people moves not reason, and instincts, not programs, and utopias. A distemper – the archaic phenomenon, and revolution – modernist style generation. It is necessary to remember that the Russian elite stayed in other cultural-historical measurement, rather than broad masses. Therefore hardly it is necessary to be under a delusion concerning conformity of political programs to expectations of the majority. The image of a distemper much more corresponds to the Russian realities, rather than habitual concept "revolution". Strictly speaking, revolution is a revolution, and a distemper – chaos. Speaking about distempers, instead of about revolutions, we get rid of some stereotypes of consciousness which are holding down informative process. In particular, the image of a socialist revolution has been imposed «the Red distemper», and this myth has appeared surprisingly hardy. The leader has underlined also that is not casual on a round table was much told about a peasantry role in a distemper. Enormous value in it is got by psycho mental installations of "the silent majority». Among the factors which have caused features of its "revolutionary" behavior, first of all, it is necessary to name migrating agriculture. Such type of agriculture has caused a serfdom. Any migratory-demographic motion appeared menacing for the state. The same it is possible to tell and about new processes. Both factors led to that the state which was above estates, and, to a certain extent, resisting to their aspirations, appeared is defenseless before “the unpredictability factor”.
The round table has once again shown existing pluralism of approaches to consideration of the Russian distempers and revolutions. At the same time, discussion has shown that in the basic its participants are uniform in an estimation of a current state of the Russian society and a recognition of its typological similarity to situations of the beginning XVII and the beginnings of XX centuries When and as "time of troubles" of the Russian history proceeding today will come to the end – will show the future. However at forecasting of the further succession of events the historical analysis of the previous Russian distempers should be considered. The round table has given serious food for reflex ions to all who tries to comprehend the internal logic of the Russian distempers, to understand their historical lessons. From that, how much they will be acquired by "tops" of the Russian society, the destiny of Russia, its place and a role in the modern world depends.