| 12 June 2020
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Dear colleagues,
We are pleased to announce that St Petersburg State University will host the International Research Forum: Second Archival Convention. The Forum will take place September, 29 – October, 3 2020 at St Petersburg State University (Universitetskaya Emb., 7–9, St Petersburg, Russia).
International Research Forum: Archival Convention is intended to bring together scholars from archives, academic institutions, universities and colleges, museums and libraries from all over the world to develop modern models to facilitate interaction between historians and the community. The Convention will reveal the results of the most advanced research in Russia’s national identity and share best Russian and international practices of archivists.
The major topics of the Archival Convention include preservation, research and popularization of the documentary heritage as well as compilation, record keeping, storage, and use of documents, archival legislation, and information technology in archives. The Convention will focus on the commemorating the 75th anniversary of the victory in World War II.
The Forum will include a plenary session, a round table Information Technology in Archives: Approaches of Archivists, Programmers, Researchers, an exhibition of archival documents as well as breakout sessions:
1) World War II: History, Documents, Memory
2) Defence and Siege of Leningrad: People, Events, Documents:
3) Archives and the History of Russian National Identity till the 18th century
4) Archives and the History of Russian National Identity in the 18th-early 20th century
5) Archives and the History of Russian National Identity in the 20th-early 21st century
6) History of Archival Practice
7) Archival Legislation: Traditions and Innovations
8) The Use of Archival Documents: Theory and Practice
9) Compilation of Archives: History and Contemporaneity
10) Storage of Archival Documents
11) Research and Reference Facilities of Archives: Past, Present and Future
12) Archive-Museum-Library: Development Prospects
13) Archival Science as Part of Modern Educational System
14) Power, Society, Archives: Interrelation and Mutual Perception
The Third Scientific Conference "Archives and Manors" will be held as part of the Second Archive Congress on September 29-October 1.
Presentations of books and scientific projects related to World War II are planned.
Working languages: Russian and English
If you interested in attending the Convention, please submit your application at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Application deadline 1 July 2020.
Participation in the conference involves paying an organizing fee: 1000 rubles for citizens of Russia and Belarus, 100 euros for foreign participants. Students and graduate students (Russian and foreign) are exempt from paying the organizing fee.
The programme will offer tours to the museums of St Petersburg and Leningrad Region.
For any questions or suggestions contact us at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Yours sincerely,
the Organising Committee