Destructive battalions of Polar region and their contribution to the USSR victory in Great Patriotic war (1941–1945)

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Penkova Yu.A.

Destructive battalions of Polar region and their contribution to the USSR victory in Great Patriotic war (1941–1945)


The author explores the history of the formation of destructive battalions in the Polar region in 1941-1945. The major problems, areas and the legal basis for their work are studied in this article. The author studies differences of polar destructive battalions from those which operated in Karelia and Leningrad region. The most interesting facts of the strategically and official use of destructive parts containing in archival documents of Murmansk region are given in this work.


Archive, source, the martial law, destructive battalions, destructive regiment, destructive group, group of assistance, army back, militia. Источник, архив, военное положение, истребительный батальон, истребительный полк, истребительная группа, группа содействия, войсковой тыл, милиция.

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About the authors

Penkova Yulia Alexandrovna - lecturer at the Department of Economics and Law of the Murmansk branch of the Russian State Social University, postgraduate student of the Murmansk State University for the Humanities, Murmansk; 8-911-305-05-56; This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

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