The main sources for the study of the land socialization (1917–1918) in the Central Black Earth region

| 06 February 2024
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Nikolashin V.P., Michurinsk, Russian Federation
The main sources for the study of the land socialization (1917–1918) in the Central Black Earth region
Socialization of the land is one of the major milestones of the agrarian history of Russia. Recovery pattern of interaction between government and farmers in 1917-1918 is true today, as deciphering reasons dynamics of political and socio - economic crisis allows to solve a number of problems of contemporary Russian agrarian issues. In the historiography of this problems is developed, but the process occurs sporadically, refined, often analyzed one of the faces of multifactorial process of socialization of land. Within this article, the author aims to identify the main published and archival sources for the studied subjects. In accordance with the stated goal formulated objectives: to study the published memoirs and collections of documents, to analyze the dynamics and determine the geographical location of the individual funds, transport within the administrative-territorial reform in the Central Black Earth region , to find the most promising areas of the search terms and the necessary storage sources. Selecting the territorial scope of this article, limited provinces of Central Black Earth region (Kursk, Orel, Tambov and Voronezh), due to both climatic factors and their common economic ties. The problem of mobilization of historical sources on the declared subject is realized for the first time. In the regional archives (State archives Kursk, Orel, Tambov, Lipetsk, Belgorod and Voronezh regions) concentrated vast and diverse documentary sources, previously unpublished or not to introduce in the scientific revolution. Objective scientific analysis of the source base by category socialization of the land in the black earth village showed that it represented a variety of layers of archival documents and materials. But the greatest potential within the given problems are massive sources, which are characterized as quantitative attributes (statistics) and qualitative characteristics (Assembly sources clerical materials, periodicals).
Sources, socialization of the land, archival documents, the peasantry
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About the authors
Nikolashin Vadim Pavlovich, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Senior Lecturer, Department of Public Administration, Michurinsky State Agrarian University, Michurinsk, Russian Federation, 8-905-121-95-13, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it