Publication of Sources on the Crimea (Yalta) Conference: Quantization (Kvantirovanie) in Analysis of Printed Materials of the Russian Federation and Ukraine in 1991–2014

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O.K. Shevchenko, Simferopol, Russian Federation

Publication of Sources on the Crimea (Yalta) Conference: Quantization (Kvantirovanie) in Analysis of Printed Materials of the Russian Federation and Ukraine in 1991–2014


The article addresses the issue of historiographic analysis of dynamics in publications of documents and memoirs on the Crimea (Yalta) conference. The historiographic analysis is performed by means of two interconnected methods: quantization (kvantirovanie) and scribometry (skribometrija). Kvantirovanie is a technique for transfer of historical information in cipher and letter designations for the purposes of statistical and mathematical analysis of the data. Skribometrija is a method designed purely for analysis of a historiographic material. Skribometrija is the author's development and it is being presented for the first time in its final form in this article. The data for the analysis are publications on the Yalta conference in Russian and Ukrainian dating from 1991 to 2014 marked as “historical source”. The total counts 104 publications, which constitute more than 28% of all the publications on the issue. Authors of most publications are Crimean researchers and scientists from the Russian Federation. The article also reveals the dynamics of publications by year and offers a chart of the authors’ thematic preferences and scientific orientation. For example, more than 40% of sources are published in newspapers, most documents and memoirs cover the facts concerning the USSR and the USA. A number of crucial issues of the Yalta conference, such as the Polish and Japanese questions or the destiny of Germany, have not yet been a subject of separate source study research. More than 66% of texts written belong to the field of microhistory. The publications demonstrate considerable discreteness. Most were published to mark an anniversary of some event, and, as a rule, the author, having once tried their hand in source study, doesn’t return to the subject. The revealed disproportions bespeak of an imperative need to systematically change the approach to researching the Yalta conference. This means a preparation of specialists in the research area and creation of a scientific platform for research efforts: scientific laboratory, magazine, or almanac.


Source study of the Crimea (Yalta) conference, quantization (kvantirovanie), scribometry (skribometrija), historiography of of the Crimea (Yalta) conference.

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About the authors

Shevchenko Oleg Konstantinovich, PhD in Philosophy, associate professor at the V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University in Yalta, the Russian Federation, +7-978-703-52-66, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

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