| 12 June 2010
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Обзор деятельности Федерального архивного агентства, назначениях, заседаниях Научно-методических советов архивных учреждений федеральных округов, открытии выставок.
Overview of the Federal Archival Agency, appointments, meetings of the Scientific and methodological council of archival institutions of federal districts, the opening of exhibitions.
Keywords / Ключевые слова
Archives, Armenia, Finland, Greece, Mongolia, Hungary, PACE, the official site of Rosarchive. Архивы, Армения, Финляндия, Греция, Монголия, Венгрия, ПАСЕ, официальный сайт Росархива.
From October, 28th till November, 1st, 2009 the delegation of the Russian archivists led by deputy head of Russian Archive V.P.Tarasov left in Yerevan (Republic Armenia) where has taken part in 10th General conference of Euro-Asian regional branch of the International council of archives, session of the Advisory council of heads of archival services of the state-participants CIS, session of the Round table “New technologies in the field of maintenance of safety of archival documents”. It was the regular meeting of archivists of Russia and Armenia, and also celebrating of the 85 anniversary of Archival service of Armenia.
On November, 11th, 2009 in the Showroom of the Russian State Historical Archive (St.-Petersburg, the Zanevsky prospectus, 36) has taken place opening of an historic-documentary exhibition “The Russian empire and formation of Grand duchy Finnish”, devoted to the 200 anniversary of occurrence of Finland in structure of the Russian empire as Grand duchy Finnish.
Since December, 7th till January, 15th, 2010 in the Showroom Cultural, scientific and information centre of the Hungarian Republic in Moscow (the Povarskaja street, 21) was exhibited the international historic-documentary exhibition “Socialist camp. An epilogue” (1989 in Central and the Eastern Europe by materials of archival documents). The exhibition has been organized by Federal archival agency, the Russian state archive of a contemporary history (RGANI), Archival institute Cultural, scientific and information centre of the Hungarian Republic, the Photoarchive of the Hungarian cable agency (MTI Fotoarchivum) with financial support of the Ministry of Education and culture of the Hungarian Republic.
On December, 8th, 2009 the chief of department of international contacts of Russian Archive K.G.Chernenkov and director of RGADA M.R.Ryzhenkov have taken part in the international seminar which has taken place in Moscow “Russia and the European Union: signs on a road map of cultural cooperation”.
The seminar organized by the Ministry of culture of the Russian Federation and the Commission of the European communities, had for an object to discuss the questions connected with a condition and prospects of cultural cooperation between Russia and EU. At a seminar examples of cooperation in the form of concrete projects have been presented.
Since December, 15 till December, 18th, 2009 the Russian delegation as a part of the chief of department of office-work and archives of the Government of the Russian Federation A.D. Rjahovsky, head of the Russian Archive A.N. Artizov, director of the VNIIDAD M.V. Larin and the employee of the Russian Archive M. E. Osekina has visited National archive and a number of government agencies of Great Britain for studying of an operational experience with electronic documents (ED) in archival business and office-work.
Since December, 18th till March, 3rd, 2010 in the Showroom of Federal archives (B.Pirogovskaja street, 17) worked an historical-documentary exhibition “Chekhov. The unfinished play”, devoted to the 150th anniversary from the date of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov's birth.
On December, 28th, 2009 to execute the Governmental order of the Russian Federation from November, 24th, 2009 N 953 «About providing of access to the information on activity of the Government of the Russian Federation and federal enforcement authorities» within the limits of a portal “Archives of Russia” the official site of Federal archival agency – http://www.archives.ru is opened.
On December, 29th, 2009 in Federal archival agency the total meeting of heads of structural divisions Russian Archive and directors of the federal archives located in Moscow in which has taken part has taken place and the minister of culture of the Russian Federation A.A. Avdeev has acted. The minister of culture of the Russian Federation A.A. Avdeev has officially presented the gathered A.N. Artizov - the new head of Federal archival agency, has congratulated all archivists of Russia with coming New, 2010, year.
On January, 22nd, 2010 deputy head of the Russian Archive V.P. Tarasov has accepted the executive chief of Institute of the Jewish researches (USA) Jonathan Brent. During conversation discussion of prospects of cooperation between archival establishments of Russia and Institute of the Jewish researches has taken place.
On February, 2nd, 2010 the head of Federal archival agency A.N. Artizov has accepted the director of the Memorial museum of the Holocaust (USA) Sara J. Bloomfield.
On February, 5th, 2010 the meeting of the head of Federal archival agency A.N has taken place. Артизова with the faculty of the Russian state humanitarian university (RGGU) and collective of Historical-archival institute RGGU.
On February, 16th, 2010 has taken place the meeting of the head of Federal archival agency A.N. Artizov with heads of Open Company “Records Management Center” K. Bobrovsky and A. Rykov, in a course which has taken place discussion of questions of development of archival business in private economy, including possibilities of creation of the self-adjustable organizations in this field of activity.
On February, 16th, 2010 has taken place the meeting of a deputy head of Federal archival agency V.P. Tarasov with J.-L. Blondel, the director of the International service of search (ITS), Arolzen, Switzerland.
On February, 16th, 2010 the Governmental order of the Russian Federation from February, 6th, 2010 № 60 forms the Governmental commission on introduction of an information technology in activity of state structures and local governments. The commission structure includes the head of Federal archival agency A.N. Artizov.
On February, 19th, 2010 has taken place in the Russian state archive of sociopolitical history (RGASPI) the book presentation “Yalta - 45 has taken place. Tracings of the new world”, devoted to one of the main events of diplomatic history of the Second World War the Crimean conference “Big three”.
On February, 26th, 2010 the expanded session of Board of Federal archival agency Has taken place. With the report «About results of work of Federal archival agency and establishments subordinated to it for 2009 and problems for 2010» the head of Federal archival agency A.N. Artizov has acted. The minister of culture of the Russian Federation A.A. Avdeev, the director of Department of office-work and archive of the Government of the Russian Federation of A.D. Rjahovsky, deputy head of the Rosohrankultura V.V. Petrakov, the administrative board of Federal archival agency and federal archives, representatives of 70 ministries and departments, scientific institutions and public organizations have taken part In board session.
On February, 27th, 2010 the meeting of the head of Federal archival agency A.N has taken place. Артизова with the sales manager of Open Company “Iron Mountain CIS” V.V. Gopp and acquaintance with work of electronic archives of this company.
On March, 1st, 2010 the Federal archival agency has informed that the order of the Ministry of culture of the Russian Federation from 12/28/2009 № 894 confirms “Administrative regulations of Federal archival agency on granting of the state service “the Organization of execution of inquiries of the Russian and foreign citizens, and also persons without the citizenship, their legitimate rights connected with realization and freedom, registration when due hereunder the archival inquiries directed to the foreign states”. The order is registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation from 2/12/2010, registration № 16397.
On March, 11th, 2010 the Federal archival agency publishes the letter of head Rosarhive A.N. Artizova from March, 10th, 2010 № 6/394-А to heads of the authorized enforcement authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation in the field of archival business “About the statement of Administrative regulations of Federal archival agency on granting of the state service “the Organization of execution of inquiries of the Russian and foreign citizens, and also persons without the citizenship, their legitimate rights connected with realization and freedom, registration when due hereunder the archival inquiries directed to the foreign states”.
On March, 31st, 2010 in the Russian state archive of sociopolitical history have taken place “A round table”, devoted to researches of destinies of the Soviet and German prisoners of war and interned, to questions of history of the Second World War and the post-war period, and site presentation www.dokst.ru, containing databases about the former Soviet prisoners of war who have died in camps of the Third Reich, and also about the condemned German citizens rehabilitated by the Main military Office of Public Prosecutor of the Russian Federation.
On March, 31st, 2010 taken place the meeting of the head of Federal archival agency A.N. Artizov with the head of the Center of the documentation of Association “Saxon memorials” (Germany) K.-D.M?ller.
From April, 6 till April, 8th, 2010 delegation of the Russian archivists led by the head of Federal archival agency A.N. Artizov has visited Finland (Helsinki). The meeting with the General director of National archive of Finland J. Nuortev has taken place.
On April, 9th, 2010 in the Showroom of federal archives solemn opening of the international historical-documentary exhibition “The Soviet society and war has taken place. 1941-1945 To the Victory 65th anniversary in the Great Patriotic War”.
On April, 12th, 2010 the head of Federal archival agency A.N. Artizov has sent the condolence in General management of the state archives of Poland.
“Dear colleagues, on behalf of archivists of Russia would like to bring the deepest condolences in connection with destruction in an air crash near Smolensk the President of Republic Poland Lech Kaczynski and other members of the Polish delegation going in Katyn to pay memory of victims of the tragedy. The occurred terrible events give us an additional occasion to activization of efforts on liquidation of" white stains »in the history of the Russian-Polish relations that should serve rapprochement of the people of Russia and Poland”.