Omsk chief of police orders as a source of history fight with police corruption in the early of 20th century
| 07 October 2020
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Publication of archival documents
Bykov A.V., Bykova A.G.,
Omsk, Russian Federation
Omsk chief of police orders as a source of history fight with police corruption in the early of 20th century
One of the acute problems of Russian society for centuries has been and remains bribery. Theme of “bribery and combating this phenomenon” has repeatedly been studied by modern scholars and pre-revolutionary Russia. The subject of their research were mainly regulations or enforcement analysis. The purpose of this paper is an extension of the documentary space studies history of corruption and counter it in Russia, testing the possibility of attracting scientific purposes specified in legal acts of local regional police forces. Authors publish previously unknown documents researchers from the State Historical Archives of the Omsk region on the history of the fight against police corruption in pre-revolutionary Russia. Published material you can get information about the size of bribes, occasions for bribery and received guidance measures to combat this phenomenon. Information extracted from the orders, allows to expand the research field, to get information about issues specific to individual regions, methods of prevention and combating corrupt behavior of officials, to form a holistic, “live” performance on the studied subject. In addition, the study of orders of scientific interest in terms of lack of national regulatory acts of some interesting aspects related to the direct activities of managers at various levels. In particular, the study published orders revealed information about the decisions and the chief of police of the city of Omsk Governor of Akmola reward employees for reporting a decline in their corrupt behavior, detention and transfer givers into the coffers of the money. Such a method of preventing corrupt behavior was not envisaged regulations and instructions of higher authorities. Such information shall be submitted to date, not only for historians, but also for lawyers studying the problems of development of the state and law.
Сorruption, bribery, public service in pre-revolutionary Russia, the police of the city of Omsk, Chief of Police, The Penal Code and the Corrections (1885).
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№ 13
Приказ по Омской городской полиции от 3–4 ноября 1913 г. № 234
Объявить благодарность старшему городовому 3 полицейской части Трушину, за предоставление по начальству денег 1 руб. 50 коп., данных ему во взятку крестьянином Коленцовым, за освобождение от задержания по делу беспатентной торговли казенным вином.
ГИАОО. Ф. 172. Оп. 1. Д. 223. Л. 156. [Извлечение] Подлинник.
№ 14
Приказ по Омской городской полиции от 28 ноября 1913 г. № 253
Объявляю младшему городовому 3 части города Омска, Ефиму Мищенко, знак № 45, за представление одного рубля денег, данных ему во взятку Якобсон, за освобождение от задержания за кражу, свою благодарность.
ГИАОО. Ф. 172. Оп. 1. Д. 223. Л. 174. [Извлечение] Подлинник.
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About author
Bykov Aleksandr Vladimirovich, PhD in history, a senior lecturer in the theory and history of law and state Omsk Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Omsk, Russian Federation, 8-913-964-08-51, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Bykova Anastasia Gennadevna, doctor of historical sciences, professor, vice-rector of the Omsk Academy of Law, Omsk, Russian Federation, 8-913-964-08-52, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it