“…The big political success and quite good commercial results”. The report about the participation of the USSR in the commercial and industrial exhibition in Reykjavik 1955
| 11 May 2010
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Publication of archival documents
Annotation / Аннотация
In the publication the basic merits and demerits in the organization and carrying out of a commercial and industrial exhibition of the USSR in Iceland in 1955 are considered.
В публикации рассматриваются основные достоинства и недостатки в организации и проведении торгово-промышленной выставки СССР в Исландии в 1955 г.
Keywords / Ключевые слова
СССР, Исландия, Рейкьявик, выставка, промышленность, торговля, международные связи.
The USSR, Iceland, Reykjavik, exhibition, the industry, trade, international contacts.
In the history of the international cooperation the beginning of 1950th is noted by activization of mutual relations of the USSR and Republic Iceland. 1955 Soviet Union has for the first time in a commercial and industrial exhibition in capital of Iceland Reykjavik taken part. Various key industries of the Soviet Union has been in two pavilions presented.
It’s hard to say what was the most interesting for guests of the exhibition. Russian automobiles "ZIM" and "Pobeda", machine tools and radio equipment, food-processing industry production used the big success. The great attention was involved with stands of furs, decorative handicrafts and many other exhibits.
The Soviet exhibition had great success in Reykjavik. 6th of July it was again visited by the president of Iceland He has in more details familiarized with all exhibits. From July, 2nd till July, 17th the exhibition was visited by 24 000 persons that makes 40 % to all population of the city Reykjavic and 16 % to all population of Irish.
So, the newspaper "Timini", that speaking about value of an exhibition, wrote, “We should familiarize us with so many countries, their culture and technique, so possible. There are no differences between East and West countries”. The newspaper "Tvodviliny" wrote, “Last year the USSR was one of the most important our trading partners. And it so, after all for the last year our export to the USSR has increased by 43,5 %, and import from this country has increased in 5 times” (from July, 2nd 1955).
For the large order applied two Icelandic electro technical companies “Bram” and “Weller and Skip” to a representative of the soviet company "Mashinoeksport".