Bakhmeteff Archive of Russian and East European History and Culture as One of the Largest Depositories of Rossica in the USA
| 20 July 2020
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Russian archives abroad
Lovtsov A.S.,
Moscow, Russian Federation
Bakhmeteff Archive of Russian and East European History and Culture as One of the Largest Depositories of Rossica in the USA
The article contains a review of collections comprising the Bakhmeteff Archive of Russian and East European History and Culture, one of the largest depositories of Russian and East European documents outside Russia and the former USSR. The archive stores collections of papers of prominent literary figures of the Russian Diaspora, scholars, literary critics and journalists. It also contains papers of charity and professional organizations of Russian Diaspora, papers of church organizations and outstanding secular and church figures who were a part of life of the Russian Church outside Russia. A significant part of the archive is comprised of papers reflecting those most important events of the Russian history which culminated in emigration from Russia – the Russian Revolution of 1917 and the Civil War: particularly, memoirs of pre-revolutionary public and government figures, leaders of political parties and revolutionary movement, participants of the World War I and the Civil War. The archive also stores papers of persons who were displaced during the World War II. These documents contain interesting information on the situation in the Soviet Union during the war. The article concludes that materials of the Bakhmeteff Archive are valuable sources on the history of our country in the first half of the 20th century, and their further research and then publication of its results are an important task for Russian archivists and historians.
Archival documents, foreign archival Rossica, history of Russia, emigration, Russian Revolution of 1917, Russian Civil War of 1918-1920
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About author
Lovtsov Aleksej Sergeevich, PhD in History, senior researcher at the All-Russian Archival Science and Records Management Research Institute (VNIIDAD), Moscow, Russian Federation, 8-495-334-48-69, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it