Publication of archival documents

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# Article Title Author Hits
11 Evacuation and Re-evacuation of Population, Organizations, Agencies, and Industries of the Ulyanovsk Region in 1941–1945: Based on Fonds of the State Archive of Ulyanovsk Region Makarova R.V., Romanova G.V. 798
12 Сharacter Study of Peasant, Priest and District Police Officer in World War I Period Skutnev A.V. 871
13 The First World War in the Documents of the Central State Archive of the Moscow Region Dumenko O.E. 666
14 Ego-Document as Regional Archive Data Resource on the History of World War I (1914–1918) Petrova I.S. 880
15 Political influence of Japan in China before and during World War I: Russian position Sinichenko V.V. 764
16 "Memoirs" of E.V. Spektorsky as a source for the history of university life during the World War I Mikhalchenko S.I. 740
17 Source studies problems of World War I: the regional aspect Zakharov A.V. 487
18 About the reasons of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and the factors Toporkov V.M. 452
19 “Here I am at the front, and you are afraid“. Red Army soldiers correspondence with their wives during the Great Patriotic War 1941–1945 Tazhidinova I.G. 427
20 The education system of the Old Believers in period 1905–1918. Source study aspect Sevastyanov I.M. 358