Publication of archival documents

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# Article Title Author Hits
41 Letters to the Leaders of the USSR Requesting Rehabilitation of the Institute of the Peoples of the North in Leningrad: 1947–48 Nerush, Varvara O. 439
42 Appointment of V. A. Kanin as Commander of the Baltic Fleet (1915): Materials from the Russian State Archive of the Navy Bazhanov, Denis A., Zakharov, Alexandr M., Emelin, Alexey Yu. 483
43 “There Is a Growing Awareness that Japan Will Inevitably Be Defeated”: Reports of the War Agent A. I. Pavlov to the Ministry of Finance during the Russo-Japanese War of 1904–05 Kalmina, Lilia V., Malygina, Olga A. 460
44 Fragments from M.O. Menshikov's Notebooks in the Context of History of Technical Naval Education in Post-Reform Russia: The Turn of the 20th Century Krizhanovsky, Nikolay I., Sankova, Svetlana M. 494
45 Consecration of the Trinity Church in the Village of Konobeyevo, Bronnitsky Uezd: Revisiting the Problem of Subordination of Local Clergy in the Early 20th Century Novak, Vyacheslav N. 462
46 “There Are No Obstacles to Issuing Permits to the Said Merchants…” Letters of the Military Governor of the Ural Oblast N. A. Verevkin to the Orenburg Governor General N. A. Kryzhanovskii (1872–73) Abdrakhmanov, Konstantin A. 496
47 “Concerning the Recently Notorious Issue of Rejuvenation”: Geneticist Yuri Filipchenco’s Letter to the Director of the Institute of Experimental Biology, Nikolai Koltsov (August 29, 1923) Sliskova, Valeria V. 578
48 “Be as It May, but the Judicial Reform Will Soon Emerge”: An Unknown Source on the Preparation of the Judicial Reform of 1864 in the Russian Empire Legkiy, Dmitriy M. 548
49 Report of the Brigadier A. Veterani to the Emperor Peter I: A New Document on the Expedition of Russian Troops to the Village of Endirei in Dagestan (1722) Magaramov, Sharafetdin A. 509
50 Unknown Documents on the History of the February Revolution of 1917 and the Circumstances of the Abdication of Nicholas II Mark A. Knyazev 469