Publication of archival documents

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# Article Title Author Hits
81 Institute of History and Archaeology, Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation Mikhail A. Kiselev 861
82 Attempt upon the Life of P. N. Milyukov and Assassination of V. D. Nabokov in Berlin (1922): Testimony of the Accused Monarchist P. N. Schabelsky Konstantin D. Kotelnikov 814
83 ‘This is a Great Event in Our Church’: Bishop of Lutsk Polycarp on the Signing of the Act of Unity of the Ukrainian Orthodox Churches Lyudmila А. Lykova, Alexander V. Sukhanov 722
84 Private letters of Siberian exiles about the ‘Turukhansk revolt’: 1908–1912 Dmitrii A. Baksht 839
85 ‘The Noblest Soul’: A Sad Page in the History of the Grand Duchy of Hesse through the Eyes of Grand Duke Sergey Alexandrovich. The Darmstadt Diary, 1892 Dmitriy M. Sofjin, Marina V. Sofjina 764
86 ‘One Can’t Help Shuddering at the Sight of the Ruin of This Thriving Town’: The Great Fire in Yeniseisk and Its Consequences. 1869-1870 Natalia V. Gonina, Anna P. Dvoretskaya 840
87 Ataman G.M. Semyonov’s Failed Political Zigzag: August 1920 Vladimir. I. Shishkin 828
88 ‘Despite My Aversion for the Knack Writing, I Wished to Leave a Verbatim Record of My Conversations with the Minister for Future Readers.’ Letters of M. I. Kazi, Director of the Baltic Works Denis G. Kovalevsky, Elena D. Tverdyukova 772
89 ‘To Read Another Man’s Soul’: Excerpts from an Unpublished Work of Nikolai I. Kareev, Historian, Sociologist, and Methodologist Evgeniya A. Dolgova, Alexey V. Malinov 821
90 Georgy Fedotov on the February Revolution of 1917 Aleksandr V. Antoshchenko 877