Publication of archival documents

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# Article Title Author Hits
61 The Nazi Madagascar Plan in Hitler’s Agenda Boris L. Khavkin 715
62 Minutes of the Interdepartmental Commission of the Russian Government on Release of 1,000,000 Rubles for the Repair the Episcopal House in Irkustk (1919) Aleksandr V. Sukhanov, Lyudmila A. Lykova 609
63 “The Question of Reinforcing Colonization of the Amur Region Ended in a Single Attempt”: From the Note of the Qualified Representative of the Ministry of Agriculture N. K. Schuman (1916) Andrei A. Ivanov 711
64 “Do Not Allow Common People ... to Saunter Abroad without Purpose Year on Year”: The Privy Councillor A. I. Temnitsky’s Note on Russian Pilgrims (1910) Mikhail S. Shapovalov, Dzmitry L. Shevelev 682
65 New Information on the History of the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Beijing: From Correspondence of the Head of the XV Ecclesiastical Mission in Beijing, Archimandrite Palladius with the Envoy of the Russian Empire in China, Eugene K. Butsov Andrei M. Kulikov 679
66 Problems of the Territorial Development of the USSR in 1945: N. N. Kolosovsky’s Report to the Commission of the USSR Academy of Sciences on Mobilization of Resources of the Urals, Western Siberia, and Kazakhstan for Needs of National Defense Mikhail V. Mikheev 651
67 “The Children Lost All Patience with Promises and Wrote a Letter to Comrade STALIN ...”: The Special Note of the Head of the NKVD District Department on Settlement of Children Evacuated from the City of Leningrad in the Kalachinsk District of the Omsk Reg Aleksey V. Sushko. Marina S. Nosova 655
68 “I Greatly Rejoiced When Our Business Was to Be Resolved by a Decree of the Great White Tsar...”: Letters of the Kalmyk Khan Ayuka to the Emperor Peter Alekseevich and Chancellor G. I. Golovkin (1714) Vladimir T. Tepkeev, Evgeny V. Bembeev 669
69 “Bearing in Mind His Past Activities, Save His Life”: Letter to St. Petersburg Workers in Support of G. S. Khrustalev-Nosar, Ex-Head of the Petersburg Soviet: 1905 Кирилл 741
70 Childhood and Youth of Grand Dukes Sergey Alexandrovich and Paul Alexandrovich of Russia, Livadiya — Petersburg: Diary of Grand Duke Paul Alexandrovich, 1870—1873 Dmitriy M. Sofjin, Marina V. Sofjina 724